
Friday, January 28, 2011

Frifty Friday

I hadn't been op shopping for the longest time.... it literally must have been months, so I was very excited to get out and about for a little oppy tour on Tuesday.

It seemed that everyone else had the exact same idea. The local oppies were bustling and there were line-ups at the counter each time (unheard of).

In my 'burb, we have Vinnies, the Salvos, and The Lighthouse in quite close vicinity to each other, so it was quite amusing to go from shop to shop and see the same faces. All the customers were following along and checking out all three shops.

Of course, the problem with the op shops being so busy, is that bargains were very few, and treasures were not be found.

But, I did pick up this dress for $7.50, and that was enough to make me smile!


  1. It's a good time to go now, as everyone's had a Xmas clean out! This dress reminds me of a Polly Pratt, that was my initial reaction, 'wow, she has a Polly Pratt dress'. Score! I'm off the the Vinnies warehouse shop on lunch today teehee

  2. Love the dress...quite a retro profile...good find!

  3. $7.50 for a dress is a steal - nice work! :)

  4. That could almost be the black and white twin of my dress!

    Great find.

  5. Such a shame you didn't walk out with bags and bags of goodie. If I don't walk out with at least a bag of stuff I'm disappointed haha!

    But that dress is divine! Good find!

  6. Great dress, O Curly one. Okay so youve talked me into it. Ill go check out my locals too.

  7. I too love that little row of oppies. One of them in particular is huge! I also got all of my kids plastic plates from lighthouse there!

  8. I've just come home with a bag of kids' clothes from Savers. It seems I was only there *donating* kids' clothes a week or so back! I do like your dress Cam... though isn't it a little devoid of colour for your taste?!

  9. Wow - great find. The fabric on this dress looks similar to one of Anna Maria Horner's innocent crush voiles.

  10. Thats lovely, great colour and pattern, its great when you find something you like and a bargin ;-) dee x

  11. Looks like something polly pratt would make from olive grove. Nice dress. I never seem to find any good dresses where I go

  12. Wow! Op shops in my area never have anything this good. Great find!

  13. So many folks have discovered the wonderous treasures in our local charity shops that you have to be the early bird to get the goodies.
    Good work on getting the fab dress!

  14. Lovely dress! And your new header is gorgeous too, I love it!

  15. Fabulous work with the dress! Great pattern. More and more I realise op shopping is all about timing. I do hope you might play along and share your lovely dress.
    Sophie x

  16. I find you only need to make that one discovery to make the trip a success. And that dress is most certainly an excellent discovery.


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