
Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Time to Pick a Winner

Thankyou so much to everyone who entered my bloggiversary giveaway.

Here's hoping that I can find something to keep blathering on about for another three years!

Without further ado, there were 40 entries in total.... and the random number generator chose number 23

It's Lisa from The Princess and The Monkey

Congratulations Lisa - I'll be in contact so that you can choose your favourite pouch as a prize!


  1. Congrats to the winner!

    It's always nice to win something.

    Three years ... better not think of retiring too soon, Ms CP.

  2. Cripes Cam! Three years is a veritable bloggy lifetime. I take my hat off to you - and to the next three.

  3. Let's hope we all find something to blather on about or you'll be on your lonesome!!

  4. Sorry. Forgot to add my congratulations for all those wonderful posts you have written. You have made yourself ito an indispensible part of so many people's lives. I might not always comment but I always read and enjoy. Cherrie


Thanks for your fabulous comment! Comments make me happy and smiley....
I try to reply so please make sure your email address is enabled in your id and not that silly no-reply comment blogger thingamajiggie!