
Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Vintage Patchy Perfection

I've been waiting and waiting and waiting for this beautiful vintage sheeting patchwork doona cover to finally make it's way onto my bed.

It was a very lovely get well pressie that Bec made for me during my last hospital visit.  It was all freshly laundered and ironed and ready to go..... but then it sat in my smelly hospital suitcase for two weeks after I arrived home (whoops).

I popped it through the wash again this week so that it was all nice and fresh again.... but when it comes to ironing, that's where I draw the line.

Instead, it's all soft and crinkly and snuggly..... just the way I like it!


  1. It's just gorgeous! Great job Bec! Can I also just add, I love your bed, quite stunning!

  2. Oh wow. I love it. And feeling a bit inspired by it too. Great job Bec.

  3. Wow thats beautiful Cam, Nearly makes it worthwhile getting crook.....Nearly!

  4. Simple, yet so gorgeous! Are those vintage fabric squares?

  5. Love it! those vintage fabrics are just gorgeous and the white sets it all off beautifully. they look so much nicer when they're all crinkly too.


  6. wow, I'd forgotten about it! Looks great- crinkly is nice, I don't iron mine either! I hope it's not as addictive as mine- I can't use anything else now, I wash and put straight back on, vintage sheets are so soft. Suits the bed perfectly too! (And you won't have cat hair all over yours, yay!)

  7. It looks awesome & no it doesn't need ironing that would ruin the effect! Happy sleeping!

  8. nice one Bec!
    that looks great Cam, what a lovely, lovely pressie to make you smile.

  9. It's beautiful! I love patchwork quilts, so much love in every stitch :)

  10. Lovely! And I love that it has matching pillow slips.

  11. Gorgeous seems to be the right word!1 Lucky you. I'm not keen on ironing things that just get mussed up again anyway.(I'm not keen on ironing fullstop.) Cherrie from willywagtail

  12. Looks so nice. Just calling out for someone to come and hop in for an an afternoon snooze.......I'll be right over!

  13. It looks well loved, not wrinkled!

    I only iron when I'm sewing! LOL

  14. Gorgeous! Well done Bec and Congrats to you on scoring such a lovely gift :-)

  15. awww thats gorgeous, i hate ironing to its one of the most boring jobs in the world, i only do it where i have to and bedding like you isnt one of them. enjoy ;-)) dee x

  16. It's so gorgeous, what a beautiful gift.

  17. Absolutely love it, you are a lucky girl (not the hospital part) but lucky to have a darling friend who has cool fabrics :)

  18. Totally love it. It is so beautiful!

  19. I love it, but you're going to get square crinkles on your cheeks by the morning! That's a conversation starter!

  20. It's gorgeous! What a lovely present. And I'm with you there - I'm certainly not into ironing my bedspread either :)

  21. You'll have sweet dreams under that Cam. Well done Bec, looks ACE!

  22. Oh wow - this is amazing Cam! I've been wanting to make a quilt like this as a picnic rug but now a duvet cover seems like an even cooler idea!

  23. beautiful cam, and the unearned state will leave it smelling of fresh air and sunshine, my favourite


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