
Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The Giant T-Shirt Quilt - The End

So here it is..... finally in all it's quilted glory!

Such a lovely backdrop (ahem) I realise, but this quilt is sooooo big that there's nowhere else to hang it for a photo.

Each piece was originally 15.5 inches square, which means that this quilt in now approximately 75 inches wide x 90 inches long or 190 cm wide x 228 cm long.

It's really difficult to see, but Bec straight line quilted in white thread either side of each seam line, and then quilted the diagonal lines in invisible thread (so that the stitching wouldn't interfere with the prints).

It's finally time to let go and send it off to live with its owner. It certainly was a learning journey!


  1. Good grief! What a job! It looks wonderful. The new owner'll be stoked.

    How did Bec fit the bulk of it under the sewing arm of the machine when she was quilting the far sides of the quilt?

  2. such a fantastic idea! turned out great!

  3. Wow - looks amazing! Bet it feels great to have it finished and turn out so well.

  4. love a finished project- hooray Cam it's great

  5. woohoo!! it looks fantastic cam, you must be so pleased with it!


  6. looks great Cam... well done :)

  7. Wow - that's quite an achievement. Looks wonderful!

  8. Great accomplishment I am sure the owner will enjoy for many long years.

  9. AMAZEBALLS! (it's a new hipster term I overheard and thought I would try out :)

  10. A Herculean effort. Looks awesome.

  11. Well done Cam it looks great

  12. Oh how I wish I was it's new owner...
    It's just amazing!!!
    I can only imagine how hard it would be to sew t-shirt material...
    and make it all sit flat...
    You have all done so well...
    You should be so proud...

  13. This is wonderful work. Big pat on your back for such a monumental job. Now go have yourself a cupcake.

  14. Fantastic finish, especially with the stretch and all. You must be super pleased - I would be.

  15. LOVE, LOVE, LURRRRVE it ... OhEmGg you're so clever Luvvie, you should be so darn pleased with yourself ... Oh and the gorgeous assistants too. Loving your blog heaps too ;~)xo.

  16. Very cool. What a great idea for a quilt for a teenager. I could see all my concert t-shirts being used for something like that.

  17. That is one ripper quilt!! fantastic idea!

  18. wow you have all done an amazing job on that it looks brilliant. dee x

  19. It looks amazing and you did a great sewing and quilting job here. Your work is very inspiring. Thank you for sharing this idea.

  20. All that work and your not keeping it for yourself!!! Your BONKERS!! ;) xx

  21. A magnificent quilt and very interesting, the colours work very well together too.

  22. That is absolutely fabulous. Well done. You must do more. This is a signature piece.


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