
Monday, March 21, 2011

One roll of stickytape = 2 hours of entertainment

Yesterday my sister and BIL went along to see Daryl Braithwaite, Vika and Linda Bull, Ross Wilson and Mark Seymour at Legends on the Lawn at Werribee Park.

Although I would have dearly loved to go, access to any type of concert really isn't great for someone like me, so I volunteered to babysit the twin munchkins instead.

I'd picked up some cheap and cheerful pirate craft kits in the mark down bin for $2.50 at Spotlight a while ago...

They were quite a hit!

I couldn't deal with the amount of mess that would have been created with glue...

So we spent two hours making artwork using stickytape..... just check out that concentration!

All I had to do was sit across the other side of the bench with the stickytape dispenser. Cheapest and easiest entertainment ever!


  1. Loks like a great time was had byall. Balloons are also fun and fabulous and cheap!

  2. So these are the two monkeys (I mean pirates) who moved your doorchook? They look like butter wouldn't melt though so are you sure doorchook just didn't go for a wander?

    P.S. I don't let Tara loose with the glue either!

  3. I love that both have their tongues sticking out while concentrating. lol

  4. nice thinking! They do look like they're enjoying it, love the concentration!

  5. What fun and what cute little fellows!

  6. How cute. I love the concentration tongues! I too have experienced the joys of sticky tape with my little one. Oh, a tip with the glue, I now only keep glue sticks, much less mess involved!

  7. Twin tongues!

    Whoever invented sticky tape should be knighted. Around here, sticky tape is still the topmost sought after, 'making-stuff' accoutrement.

  8. What a fun and generous Aunty ...we all love Aunty's who love to have fun. They look so cute.

  9. That is why we love our aunties -


    make lots of fun

    and then leave before the trouble starts.

  10. Oh, the tongues are so cute! And yep, sticky tape is easy, Sib used to have a blast- so much so I bought her her own roll and dispenser one Xmas, she loved it!

  11. What a clever aunt you are! They must think you're lots of fun!!

  12. A roll of masking tape is cheap and can keep Tyler occupied for hours. Best bit is it doesn't stick too badly on stuff like walls and furniture if I'm not watching and it can be removed easily.

  13. loving the tongues!

    you are a thrifty babysitter, a roll of sticky tape = pure joy for you & for them.

    it is a boy thing, sticky tape construction is part of their genetic make-up...rollls of it!!

  14. You must be the best Auntie ever!! Pirates and crafts!

    They look very cute .. but I'm sure they're quite a handful when they put their minds to it!!

  15. haha love that both their tongues are out!!

  16. Oh, those little tongues are killers... how gorgeous.

    My girl has revisited her princess kit many times. Great value for $2.50!!!

  17. aaaaaahhhhh bless them simple things are just the best ;-)) dee x

  18. Great way to keep them occupied. One of our cats goes potty at the sound of brown parcel tape. If we discard a little ball of it, he goes in to the bin to get it and plays with it!
    Isabelle x

  19. Am loving your artwork on the wall. Did you create these?

  20. Ha ha, I came to comment on the matching tongues but it seems I've been well beaten!

  21. Great idea sticky tape!!! However my munchkin would lwant to use my cute washi tape instead ;)

    Glue is fun, but glue With glitter is tonnes more fun, SO MESSY!!!

    BTW that quilt in the background, is it crocheted? its lovely!!!


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