
Saturday, March 5, 2011

It's getting there.....slowly

The t-shirt quilt is finally on the home stretch.

I'd been waiting for these text panels to arrive for a few weeks now, but they finally turned up yesterday, so I sat down and finished the quilt top lastnight.

It's ended up being really quite large - about 2 metres wide x 2.4 metres long.

The backing fabric is also ready to go, so now I'm just waiting for the batting to arrive. I've booked in next Saturday with my helper and we're going to quilt up a storm!


  1. You're amazing!! And I love the way you have hung it on the skirt hangers and it hangs so beautifully. Can't wait to see the finished product!! Cherrie

  2. That is going to be fantastic Cam. Look at your corners, they are so super sharp!

  3. Cam, that is one amazing quilt. Very blokey and very cool!!

  4. That's going to be an absolute ripper!!
    Have fun finishing with your helper.
    Andi xx

  5. wow Cam! you are soo good!

  6. That is going to look amazing and very unique ;-)) Have a great weekend, dee x

  7. It looks amazing. Can't wait to see the finished product.

  8. looks brilliant cam. good luck on the home stretch

  9. Great idea and is looks really cool. Very inspiring making one for the boys too. How did you sew the t-shirt fronts together so they wont pucker?

  10. It is SUPER FAB, CP. Which is better than fabulous and that's a lot! x

  11. Great idea and it looks fantastic too!

  12. That is just so beautiful Cam! I'm proud of you! You're a quilter!

  13. I love this!I tried something similar with littl baby suits and vests to make a memory quilt. But mine did not look anywhere near as good as yours!


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