
Thursday, March 3, 2011

My Creative Space

Slightly blurry pic today but I'm in a hurry and I'm scooting out the door....

This week in my creative space, I was trying to use some of my illustrations to make art prints for my wall.

I only managed to print one (the disco ball on the left top of photo).... before I killed the printer. It's only about six months old and now it won't feed any paper through.

I also learned a very important lesson - do NOT use double sided tape to put artwork on the wall.... it falls straight back off the wall when you least expect it!

The home of my creative space


  1. What a gorgeous photo so much lovely colour looks really cosy to, I love it looks fab i adore that picture in orange with the little girl on the right and the little pink bunny one to. It all works really well together, dee x

  2. Wow - what an awesome space you have!! Loving it.

  3. ha ha - did someone get knocked on the head while relaxing on the couch? Looks like a happy space!

  4. It looks fabulous Cam. I hope the printer is resurrected soon, I nearly killed mine yesterday printing arty stuff, but it made it through!

  5. What a gorgeous comfy place you have there Cam! xo

  6. Hmmm, yes the printer thing. We had a FABULOUS old laser printer which lasted about 10 years and the last few have croaked very quickly.

    The print looks great though.

  7. Lovely, lovely space. I officially want to come over, and have a sit and a chat.

  8. What beautiful artwork! And I love that cushion in the middle of your sofa too! :)

  9. lovely space - I love your wall art!

  10. doh to broken printers and grr to prints that fall off walls especially if it's in the middle of the night. eek. the print wall is ace cam

  11. Love the art wall!
    Suddenly falling artworks are a little disconcerting, aren't they?

  12. What a beautiful spot. Love the rug on the couch.

  13. Love your art wall, and your disco ball print is great. I hope your printer comes back to life after a rest?

  14. Love the art work on your wall, bummer about the printer! Is it fixable? Double sided tape - I can see it was a good idea, maybe you could request they make it stronger lol I'm sure they'd sell plenty!

  15. what a wonderful colourful wall :D
    hmmm yeah probably better to use picture hooks...or superglue if you don't plan on moving or don't mind leaving big holes in the wall if you do move :p

  16. Your space looks gorgeous. I made some prints for The Boy and hung them with 3M Velcro strips. One piece goes on the wall and other on the canvas and then they Velcro together. His have been up for two years and never fallen, although you might want to use more than one if the canvas is big.

  17. Love the art wall- so bright and cheery. Hope your printer is up and running again soon so you can finish the job.

  18. ohh no, hope printer gets sorted soon.

    your wall is so very you Cam!

  19. Your wall looks fantastic! I love busy, creative walls.

  20. Shame about the printer, they are such throw away items now aren't they? The wall looks great.

  21. good tip!!
    And seriously great wall :-)

  22. that looks like a fabulous spot to snuggle down in. Will be sure to remember about the tape!

  23. Beautiful colourful wall! And loving the granny squares on the couch, and the cushions. Oh, love it all, Cam!

  24. Wow all that beautiful color! Such an inspiring place to be. A happy place.

  25. oh lovely one!
    your snap shots and sewing creations are just darling!
    keep up the good work!
    x x x

  26. hey cam - it's been a while since i've been around . . .

    and the first thing i noticed is that we both used the same font on our new blog banners. :)

    then i noticed that i LOVE your couch and wall!

    then I noticed that i also LOVE the little owl skirt you made . . .

    have a happy day!

  27. Great wall! I'd like to live in a house with a wall like that! Hope you fix your printer soon.

  28. This is such a creative space Cam. Love the colours against the black sofa too.

  29. That wall is looking great! You've inspired me to put some more things up in this house!

  30. I love the colours here, + the composition. It looks amazing :)


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