
Sunday, May 8, 2011

The Birthday Loot - Part 1

Gorgeous bundle of fabric from Ms Hoppo Bumpo (do you think she knows my favourite colours?)
Wonderful handmade Lavender Eye Pillow and Fragrant Lavender Sachet from the Wee Girl

I've been totally slack in showing off the lovely birthday pressies that I received last week.

I've been so busy every day that there hasn't been much time (or daylight) left for gathering things and taking photos.

I've been totally and completely spoiled yet again.

I've been coveting one of these ever since I first saw them on Christina's blog, but I thought that it was the sort of gift that deserved a special occassion.

So I waited a reeeeeeeeeeeally long time for my birthday to arrive, and my sister bought it for me.

It's beeeewdiful ....


  1. Happy birthday!! I've seen a few lucky owners of Christina's jewellery blog about their booty lately, she's a gem. Have a blast, love Posie

  2. I knew that was the Wee Girls work. She has a certain style doesn't she/ Lovely loot. Cherrie

  3. It's all georgeous and well deserved!

  4. Happy Birthday!, and lovely presents.
    Kisses, Mª José (majogonga) Spain

  5. Happy belated birthday! You received some great pressies, and I love the ring in particular.

  6. Lovely haul. You should have a birthday more often ;)

  7. Oh, I'm totally green. That ricrac ring is top of my wish list!!

  8. I love everything here. Birthdays are wonderful. Glad you were spoilt xx

  9. Loving your birthday gifts. That cat is too cute!

    So glad you love your new ring. Cohen made the wrapping paper for you. :)


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