
Saturday, May 7, 2011

Courting Fame

My PR Manager (errrr that would be my Mum, by the way) has been hard at work on the Cosmo Fun Fearless Female Campaign trail.

When she came to visit last weekend, she brought along the current issue of the Beeac Advocate.

Just in case you've never heard of Beeac, it's a beautiful little country town in Western Victoria, only around one hours drive from Geelong, and only 20 kilometres from Colac.

The Advocate is put together by a group of volunteers to provide information to the local community, so I'm honoured that they've included a little story about my Cosmo nomination.

Voting closes at noon on Monday (9th May)..... I'm getting very nervous!


  1. I do miss living in a small country town sometimes. Fingers crossed for you Cam.

  2. Awww... don't you just LOVE Mums...? How gorgeous.

    If I tell my Auntie Margaret in Colac, she'll probably add it to her scrapbook of newsclippings about family and friends.

    Fingers, toes and eyes crossed here....

  3. You have a wonderfully supportive family. I vote every day I remember - it's just the remembering that might be at fault. I feel a bit sorry for the ladies in the other categories as I don't know most of them so I kind of spread my votes there amongst the nicest eyes and best smiles. Cherrie

  4. Your mum sounds wonderful :) I know about Beeac because the Uniting Church there shares a web broadcast with my church in Melbourne once a month of so, we are considered very modern and 21st century for doing it!

  5. How good is your mum! This is so exciting, I can hardly wait until Monday. You simply HAVE to win!

  6. Famous Cam!! I always knew you'd make it to the top!!

  7. Go Mum! I have my fingers crossed for you Cam! :)

  8. We're behind you..I'm sure you'll do well! Hasn't that house from yesterday got the most enormous rooms?

  9. GOOD LUCK!!! But to us you are a Cosmo Fearless Female regardless....

  10. How sweet is your mum?! I grew up in a tiny country town with an odd name {Darraweit Guim} and think it's great they're all behind you. All the best for moving into the next round, I'm sure you'll do great!!


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