
Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Cosmo Fun Fearless Female - The Final Week

There's only one week left in the first round of voting for the Cosmo Fun Fearless Female Awards.

I have my fingers, toes, and everything else crossed!

Apparently there have been over 150,000 votes so far in all the categories.... thats one big giant huge bucketload of votes.... I just hope that there's at least a trickle of them for my little blog.

I blog just because I love blogging. It's so much a part of my daily routine that I wouldn't know what to do without it any more.

To be recognised for blogging is just like a little dream come true..

I've said it before, and I'll say it again - blogging has changed my life for the better in countless ways, and making it through to the final of the Fun Fearless Female Awards would just be the cherry on top (or maybe the milo sprinkled on top because thay would be yummier).

You can vote for me here.


  1. awww how wonderful i have never heard of this award but i will pop on over and add my vote. I always love reading your blog post's and you are for ever inspiring me, good luck, dee x

  2. Just a reminder for hardcore Pops fans; vote on your phone, on your laptop, on your desktop & your friend's iPad people!!

    Good luck Cam, I can't wait to see your smiling face in the mag!

  3. We all recognise - all 733 of your followers and countless others who haven't had the time to join. Go CurlyPops! Cherrie

  4. I have voted on all manner of devices! Of course. like Miss prudence said you gotta win!!!

  5. OMG, look at gorgeous you there on those pink pages! I am so going to vote immediately. Good luck!! x

  6. Already cast my vote Ms Pops! I have everything crossed for you too, if anyone deserves a win like this, it's you!


  7. I went back to vote again after you said you had to do all the categories, and I had to just guess blindly because I didn't know anybody in some of them!
    Fingers crossed :-)

  8. Go, Ms Curlypops, go!!!! I've already voted, am off to see if I can again, and again, and again, and again!!!

  9. First of all, love the photo of you. I didn't know what you looked like :)

    Second of all, I have voted.

    Thirdly, good luck!

  10. Good luck! It'd be so awesome to have one of our community win, especially if it's someone as lovely as you.


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