
Monday, May 2, 2011

Dream Sweetly

Dream Sweetly
Acrylics on canvas
78 x 60 inch

I'm completely lost for words at the moment.... which is quite unusual for me!

Actually, words cannot even explain how much I absolutely love this painting. It's just ME. It's exactly what I wanted. It's better than I'd ever dreamed of.

Quite a long time ago, Tinniegirl and I had a conversation about the big boring expanse of white wall above my bed.

I have quite high ceilings for a modern built house, so I needed something that was going to make a statement. My only wish was that it contained pink and orange and had some sort of floral motif.

In the meantime, I'd completely forgotten all about it, but Tinniegirl was secretly working on it for my birthday.

She'd even been blogging about the different layers of the painting, and posting a little sneaky peek. The entire time, I just thought she was busily working away on paintings for her upcoming exhibition!

It wasn't until my birthday on Friday that I spotted a gift wrapped surprise...

So when I arrived at Cathy's house yesterday, this is what was waiting for me.

.....and when I unwrapped it...

....and to get an idea of the huge size of it...

I drive an SUV, and it took up the entire length of the car from the glove box to the back hatch with all the seats laying down to get it home.

I cannot wait to actually get it hung on the wall (hint hint little brother if you're reading this)!

Liesl also came over for the afternoon with a lovely pressie of fabric in pink and orange tones, which will make beautiful new pillowcases for my bed. Thankyou so much Liesl.

Oh and course, there was birthday cake.... a delicious chocolate cake baked by Cathy and Ms L (from this months Delicious Magazine), filled with an extremely yummy chocolate cream cheese filling (which I desperately need to get the recipe for).

I had such a wonderful day, and I've had such an amazing birthday weekend, well actually, I started celebrating last Tuesday, so I actually made the celebration last for nearly a week.

It's times like this when I love the fact that I have such wonderful family and friends, who make such an effort to make my birthday special.

Until next year.....


  1. what's a birthday if you can't celebrate it for a whole week!
    what a beautiful painting...that's going to look spectacular on the wall.
    happy birthday again.

  2. WOW! That is gorgeous! Lucky you (and what a wonderful birthday surprise)... nice work Cathy. I love it too.

  3. Oh - and Happy Happy (belated) birthday wishes to you!

  4. Happy Birthday Cam! Im glad you had a great week and what wonderful pressies you are a lucky girl! x

  5. What a stunning present. You are so very lucky to have the sort of friend that would go so such efforts for you.
    And what lovely company you had in Liesl and Cathy. It would have been a very happy birthday.

  6. I love this painting.It's stunning. Well done Tinniegirl!

  7. You don't get to have great friends unless you ARE a great friend.
    Love your work Cam.
    Andi xx

  8. Happy Birthday Cam. I could have sworn you'd painted that yourself, so it is YOU ll over!

    What lovely friends you have. Don't ever think you're not loved! It's a wonderful painting!

  9. OMG! It's brilliant! When I first saw it I thought it was a new brooch of yours! You're a very lucky girl indeed!

  10. Andi said it perfectly. Cathy's gift is gorgeous and is so you!!

  11. That paintingis just so you, you lucky girl... Cathy did an awesome job :)

  12. How beautiful is that and how beautiful was she to make it Something to treasute forever

  13. Gorgeous, I love the patterns on the inside of the petals!

  14. Oh wow oh wow! That is gorgeous. Expecting a lovely photo of it once your little brother has helped you put it up (more hint, hint)

  15. Oh...I love it. It's probably one of my most fav paintings of hers. just GORGEOUS!

  16. Amazing! Beautiful!
    You will dream well with this painting above your head.

  17. Wow! It's incredibly gorgeous!
    What a talented, lovely friend you have - you must be worthy though, for someone to do that for you!! x

    Happy Belated Birthday BTW!

  18. That is one truly unique birthday present and it seems to be very YOU!! Those are really the best sort of presents. Love it!

  19. This is a superb painting from a very generous friend. Of course, it also means she will be able to get a peek at it from time to time which is also nice for her too. It's been great watching the process too. Cherrie

  20. Pardon? What was that? Sorry... I'm sure you said some other stuff, but then came the words 'chocolate cream cheese filling', and everything else became a blur.... :-D

    Just kidding (kinda!) Gorgeous painting, and what a gorgeous friendship you two have :-)

  21. Happy Birthday -- WOW, that is one amazingly HUGE and beautiful piece of art. You are so lucky to have that hanging in your home, pretty soon... ahem, brother, you paying attention? Get to work! :) And to be able to say you know the artist - bonus!!!

  22. ooh gorgeous painting and gift :D

  23. Happy Birthday! Love the Painting. sounds like you had a wonderful day. I Found you on my fave fabric ladies page: Voodoo Rabbit, love your blog and am now following - ooh and I voted for you...good luck!

  24. Spectacular painting! She's such a talent! And as a painter myself, the feeling of giving a painting to someone who'll genuinely appreciate it, is worth more than words can say. So enjoy it, dream sweet and dream deep. I know you will.

  25. Happy Birthday Cam! Love the painting. Enjoy.

  26. WOW what an amazing painting and a beautiful birthday present and one to treasure for years to come a little bit of magic to look at every day. Happy birthday by the way and that cake yummyyyyyy ;-)) dee x


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