
Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Featured Hottie Number 1


I don't know whether I should admit that I haven't actually started my Hottie, when some other lovely crafty peeps have already finished!

This gorgeous crocheted hottie, was created by Trudi from Maude and Me.... and would be perfect for the licorice lovers out there! Does it remind you of anything by chance?

Thanks for being number 1 Trudi!

PS - I have a dedicated Hottie Page up on the top right of the blog to make it a little easier


  1. oh well done Trudi! mine is in final planning stages!!

  2. It's great! Yay Trudi.
    I love licorice allsorts. Especially the hard/stale ones.
    I haven't started either.

  3. Oh yippee, inspiration!! I've just got my instructions in the mail to make mine (thank you), i'm ready, willing & able, yahoo, hot water bottle covers away. Love Posie

  4. It's good to see that someone is organised. I am yet to come up with a concrete plan.

  5. Oh no I haven't started either! *eek*

    I love this one though, pretty AND functional... two things I can probably guarantee mine won't be.

    I found my rainbow brooch today too btw... woot!

  6. Trudi is a very speedy lady! You've barely closed the entries and there it is! Wow!

  7. YOU JUST COMPLETELY FREAKED ME OUT. I had to go check on that deadline again. Breathing again...(I always aim to push through at the very last minute). (sigh)

  8. Thanks Cam. One of my goals was it had to be quick. All for instant gratification!

  9. LOVE it, and am totally in your camp.
    still a scribble on a bit of paper.
    go trudi!

  10. oohh love that makes me want to just snuggle up ;-)) dee x

  11. Oh no! I often have the thought when going out for a drive "I really hope nothing happens with the car - full of children and me looking a little underdressed!"
    Don't worry about your hottie - I haven't started either :)


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