
Monday, May 30, 2011

Featured Hottie Number 3

Hottie Challenge

Introducing.....Lady of the Night

Isn't she absolutely stunning!

I was lucky enough to meet Leonie in person on Friday night, and she's just as lovely in real life as she is on her Cuppa and Cake blog. Well actually, she was even more lovely to tell you the truth.

Hottie Challenge

She bought along her fabulous hottie to add to the collection, all packed up and ready to go..... but I couldn't resist, so I had to unwrap her and play show and tell.

Thankyou so much Leonie.


  1. This One is Fabulous I Love it..a bit like Carmen Miranda..LOl

  2. Oh I knew who this was from the second I saw it in my reader! Awesome Leonie!

  3. oh no!! it is too beautiful, take it away before I enter mine!!!!.. lovely work~~ well done♥

  4. Awww thanks cam. It was fantastic to catch up with you too. I'm glad you liked the hottie and I hope she makes some super big bucks for your cause. Mwah xx

  5. Oh gosh it's amazing. Love it, so very clever.

  6. Like this little number could ever stay under wraps! Out and proud, I say!

  7. WOW! I LOVE that one! Brilliant!

  8. How could you resist that , brings a smile to the dial.

  9. and it's even more lovely in real life, just like her maker!
    awesomeness wrapped up in a hottie wrapper ♥

  10. This is a happy hottie..just love it!

  11. well it even passed the Old Man test. Showed it to hubby, as he's been asking / looking at what I'm making.... he LOVES it, said 'now that is really good isn't it'? -- high praise indeed♥

  12. The fabulous hottie lady and her gorgeous maker are indeed fabulous. And I'm disappointed I didn't get down your end of the table on Friday and missed a chance to catch up with you Miss Cam.

  13. I adore this :) I have my idea ready :)

  14. Oh wow!! Stunning indeed! Well done Leonie.

  15. I'm a sucker for those suffolk puffs! Gorgeous Leonie - and Cam you've really inspired some creativity with this challenge. Loving it. Wish I'd joined in!

  16. Firstly, I'm so jealous you got to meet Leonie!

    Secondly, I LOVE that hottie cover so much I think I may have squealed when I first saw it on Leonie's blog (but I couldn't comment - bloody blogger)


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