
Sunday, May 29, 2011

A Ship in a (Hottie) Bottle

My little sister has joined in with the Hottie Challenge..... but she's working flat out at the moment with her day job as a Chef, and also at Big House Collective, so she asked me if I would assist (ahem... make her Hottie).

So this is the idea that I'm working on for her - A Ship in a (Hottie) Bottle.

It's time to get out the inkjet printable fabric and let the fun begin!


  1. oh I love it.. mine is coming along nicely. but..Question: does it actually have to be open to 'fit' a hottie inside or can it just be stitched up all around?

  2. Great idea. I'm thinking of getting Lucy to draw an underwater scene for hers.

  3. Gah *kicks self* Of course Nikki would have the printable fabric!!! I was looking for that last week and Spotlight don't sell it anymore. I WAS going to ring around at Lincraft but you saved me that job.

    I like your... ahem, I mean your sisters Hottie.

    What's a Pirates favourite letter of the alphabet?


    What's a Pirates second favourite letter of the alphabet?

    The C.

    Ayukkayukkayuk. Giggle. Snort.


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