
Monday, June 20, 2011

Featured Hottie Number 14

the hottie challenge by My Poppet

What perfect timing for todays Hottie Feature.

This super gorgeous recycled wool jumper hottie is from the Hottie Queen herself - Cintia from My Poppet.

Cintia's Hottie's are hot sellers online and at lots of lovely handmade retail shops, so I was chuffed when she joined in the challenge.

This one has lots of soft and snuggly felted wool scraps and needle felted puffs...... lovely

Thanks so much Cintia

The homepage of The Hottie Challenge - lots more in the Flickr Group

PS - I'm guest blogging over at My Poppet today (how super exciting) while Miss Cinti is off in Japan shopping and having a lovely time.... wish I was there too! 


  1. Thanks for featuring my hottie cover and guest blogging on my poppet, you are an ace blog pal.
    Sitting on my tatami mat in Kyoto at the moment,
    X cinti

  2. I seen your guest blog at My Poppet and I had to come follow! I love your bold use of color and figure that you'll have some great crafts for me to try :o)


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