
Friday, June 24, 2011

The Hottie Challenge Exhibition

I had a lovely morning today, dropping off our humungous load of Hotties to Open Drawer.... and then having coffee and cake with some lovely ladies too.
Our group ended up with approximately sixty super gorgeous Hotties!

There's only one week to go before the Grand Opening of the Exhibition on Friday July 1st from 6-8PM.

Each and every Hottie will be available for sale for $50 (with all of the proceeds going directly to The Margaret Pratt Foundation).

Each Hottie will also have a dedicated money box where visitors can make a donation for the Hottie that they love the most.... when everything is tallied at the end of the exhibition, that Hottie will win the grand trophy!

I would love it if everyone could try to come along to the grand opening..... I may have been talked into saying a few words (and just for the record, I'm apologising in advance as I am the worst public speaker ever).

It would also be wonderful if you could spread the word far and wide. You can save the photo above, download a jpeg from Flickr, or download a pdf from my site here.

The exhibition also runs over the school holidays, so why not take an outing to check it out. There's a lovely cafe two doors down with great coffee and cake too.

A super huge ginormous thankyou has to go out to each and every Hottie maker - you've warmed the cockles more than you could ever imagine!


  1. I really really hope I can come to the grand opening - there will be so many hotties I'd like to "vote" for... and maybe even buy, and I'm looking forward to hearing you speak (even if you're not!)
    you have done an amazing job recruiting hottie makers!

  2. Congratulations on such a huge coordination effort, Cam.

    All the hotties you received are wonderful.

    I hope you have a blast at the exhibition opening!

  3. Awesome work to pull all of this together Cam!

  4. oh my first Opening Night♥ yay

  5. Great idea about incorporating voting with donating! Only wish I could attend!!

  6. I wish i could come to the opening night but my girls swim on friday evenings... I will however be making a visit to see these glorious hotties and cast my vote...maybe even put a bid in for one :)

  7. Thank YOU Cam it was a lot of fun I just wish I was in Melb so I could come I think it would be awesome to see so many Hotties together

  8. Wow! Sixty Hotties! What awesome organisational skills you have, Cam. I don't think I will be able to make it to the grand opening, but Mum and I were talking about coming along to check out the exhibition later in the month. I hope we can make it. I also hope that someone thinks my hottie is worth $50 and snaps it up. That would make me pretty happy.

  9. By this time next week, Cam, your few words will be done :) I'm planning on being at the opening and am so looking forward to seeing all the hotties 'in the flesh'! I love the idea that you place your votes for your favourite hotties (I know it will be too hard to stop at just one vote) by making a donation for each one you choose, a brilliant idea!!

  10. Wishing you all the confidence in the world, you should be very pleased with the amazing result you've created, love Posie

  11. Great effort Cam, the exhibition promises to be fantastic and hope it raises lots of money. Thanks for a lovely morning. Don't spend all week planning your speech....! 'Thank you very much' (said really quickly) sounds good.

  12. 60!! o.0 that is a lot! i've enjoyed seeing the ones that you have posted, really creative people out there :)

  13. Well done, Cam. I am sorry that I don't live closer.

  14. I'm going to try to get to the opening (although Friday's are usually family dinner nights for us). But if not, I'll bring the kids along to have a look at some stage in the holidays.
    Andi xx


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