
Saturday, June 25, 2011

Featured Hottie Number 16

test pattern hottie - closeup 3 of colour side

It's a lazy Saturday afternoon here in Melbourne....... and so it's perfect timing to check out this super cool Hottie made by Lynne from Sister Outlaws.

Do you remember back in the olden days when tv channels used to switch off at a certain time and revert to a test pattern?

test pattern hottie - colour side

 Oh the memories of my childhood come flooding back!

test pattern hottie - closeup 4 of colour side

Lynne needs lots and lots and lots of good positive crafty healing vibes sent her way at the moment....

....and if anyone wants to buy this Hottie then I have to let you know that Betty Jo will be waiting at Open Drawer with a red dot at 6PM Friday night and has already baggsed it!

The homepage of The Hottie Challenge - lots more in the Flickr Group

PS - check out the other side of this hottie on Flickr in B&W
PPS - Make sure to visit this post over at Sister Outlaws for the meaning behind the hottie......


  1. Yes I love it to bits! Get better soon LOVELY Lynne.
    *Zoing,Crackle Crackle*(crafty healing vibes are being transmitted.)

  2. Thanks Cam and Liz. Lynne should be hooked up to the internet soon. The colour test patter n contrasted with the b/w test pattern are to represent how a transplant brings your world back into colour - and she should know, with her little Rose getting a life saving liver transplant. Thanks for the virtual hugs -keep those healing vibes crackling through the internet to Lynne's bedside!!

  3. I'm not really old enough to remember the test pattern (ha!) but I love this hottie !

  4. Fabulous! Well and truly old enough to remember the test pattern here lmao!

  5. Very clever. I love the details, off to check out the other side too.

  6. This is the cleverest design I've seen in ages.

    You've done such a terrific job with this and I can imagine it will create a flurry of excitement when others see it - I hope that Betty Jo enjoys her new hottie!

    xx Felicity

  7. So cosy and vintagey..very memorable!


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