
Thursday, August 18, 2011

My Creative Space...

In my creative space today.........beads

A lovely little gift from Prue and Robyn at Open Drawer

I have the picture in my head of what they're going to look like once transformed..... I just need to find the time.

The home of my creative space


  1. wow these are some CUTE beads! have never seen anything like them. can't wait to see what kind of marvelous creative thing you come up with for them ;)

    hope you managed to get some sleep last night!
    thinking of you :D

  2. Wow - these are amazing!!
    The colour and textures are gorgeous!

    I hope everything goes well for you today. XXXJ

  3. Fabric beads?! What's not to love. :)

  4. Those beads are gorgeous Cam, can't wait to see what gorgeous creation you make with them.
    Hoping your wearing your lucky tights today xox

  5. Those are lovely! I might have to pop down and get some myself!

  6. I thought they were balls of yarn. Looking forward to seeing what you do with them, Cam!

  7. Love love them. I too thought they wall balls of yarn.Very exciting!

  8. beautiful beads, I had no idea they were beads. can't wait to see your creation.
    lucky tights, red shoes & lucky undies day!
    thinking of you ♥

  9. I'm with Nicole - I've never seen anything like them either...

    (good luck!)

  10. What amazing beads. So different (and that is different fabulous)

  11. I would never of guessed beads from the photo. Love, love, love the idea of fabric beads. Can't wait to see what you do with them!

  12. Beautiful beads ... can't wait to see what you make with them.

  13. Perfect beads, At first sight I had no idea they were beads. Can't wait to see your creation.


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