
Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Zero Words

Yes, zero words today.

There are zero words available to explain why things happen some days.... so I will just tell a story.

My sister has keys to my house, so she often pops in when I'm not home. In fact, she seems to pop in more often when I'm not home than when I'm at home (does that tell you something)?

Anyway, I drove up the driveway on Monday afternoon and noticed the first sign of a visitor. My bedroom curtains were open, and the blinds had been lifted, so that Mr Limpy Houdini Dog could stare out the window and watch the world go by during the day.

Then as I walked into the house, I noticed that my bed had been made.... (I never bother), and as I walked into the kitchen, there was a mystery parcel on the bench.

Of course, I'm racking my brain - online shopping??? I had done a little bit, but the package was far too large for anything that I'd bought.

But, as soon as I'd opened a little corner of the packaging, I knew exactly what it was!

I'd commented on the red yarn that Tracey was using just a couple of weeks ago.... and now it's a vest and it's mine!

You see, I really have no words to explain that amazing generousity.

I can only say thankyou so much Tracey for adding such a beautiful bright spark to my week!


  1. Tracey is a legend isn't she ? Such a great gift and well deserved Miss Cam if I might add, you yourself are a damn fine egg.

  2. karma my friend, karma. good karma

  3. Ditto Jodie and Midge's comments - that vest is so you!

  4. you deserve every bit of it Miss Curlypops, you are amazing and that Tracey is absolutely awesome isn't she!!
    meet you across the loooong table tonite ♥

  5. I think you inspire random acts of kindness, Cam. You put a lot of love out there and totally deserve all that comes back.

    Three cheers for Tracey. She's a good egg, too!

  6. Tracey is a lovely and generous person, as I have witnessed myself first hand =-)

    And of course Cam is just as generous and has created much goodwill for herself, or KARMA as Midge has said!

  7. It's gorgeous. What a lovely surprise.

  8. I'm absolutely with Nikki on this. Right down to the Tracey = Good Egg business.

  9. Francis is looking very snug on this cool and rainy day - Hope she is nice and shares.

  10. And ditto again to everyone's comments, karma! It's lovely and will look wonderful on you :)

  11. Wonderful thoughts of warm generosity and friendship will spring to mind every time you wear your cheery red vest..that is worth more than words can say!

  12. Im not a red person but the vest is very very nice

  13. You deserve to be spoilt every now and again Hun!! Wear it and you'll feel so much love and light...

    Xo Steph

  14. oh Cam this is soooo gorgeous and such a beautiful gift for a deserving you xx


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