
Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Delivering Chooks

Nooooo, not those sort of chooks!

I headed off to the country with my big sister in tow yesterday to deliver a Technicolour Chook for my Mum's birthday.

I remembered the leftover bread from my freezer for the chooks, her birthday pressies, and her poor old forgotten puppy dog (under the table above) that I've been fostering (long story), but I managed to forget my camera, so the little late adopter Sony Ericsson phone had to suffice.

We were early getting into town to take my Mum out for lunch, so I suggested a spot of op-shopping.... when suprise suprise we just happened to run into the very famous Chook Artiste herself , along with Punky & Suspence (who are just as uber-cute in real life by the way)!

We couldn't have timed it better if we'd planned to meet up!

After a spot of Op Shopping, it was time for a nice long leisurely lunch by the lake.....

.... and I picked up some yummy tomato and chilli relish to bring home.

For old times sake, we took a drive through the Botanic Gardens. I remember having picnics here as a young kiddie with all of our Aunties and Uncles and Cousins.

Time was pressing on and we had to back in time for the school bus, so we took Mum back home, bid farewell to Mr Limpy Turkey....

.. and Gypsy the Shetland Pony and No Name the Goat (he's a recent acquisition so I really have no idea what his name is), but you may notice that he's sporting a very spiffy goat coat. It's all the rage in goat couture apparently.

The End!


  1. What a great day, oh and I love the chook cushion!!

  2. I think he should stay as "No Name Goat"... it suits him.

  3. Oh WOW, lovely post, what a sensaish day. Love the pets too. Hope your week is stupendous too Cam. ♥

  4. What a lovely way to spend a lovely day!

  5. Looks like a great day! I love the floors in your mum's house! Gorgeous.

  6. The goats name is: Kassie.. Looks like you and our big sister had a great time with mum!

  7. Looks like a great chook delivery day! :)

  8. Looks awfully like Lake Colac, Oddfellows and Colac Botanical Gardens to me?? Hope this finds you well.


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