
Saturday, September 24, 2011

Today News

I promise I'll be back to crafty programming soon, but I just wanted to share today's newspaper stories.

The good news is that it made the front page of todays Age Newspaper in Melbourne.

It's also in todays Herald Sun.

Thankyou for all the messages of support yesterday, and an even huger thankyou to everyone who took the time to email / write a protest letter and send it off to The Premier, Health Minister, and the Chief Executive at the Alfred.

When you get to the point that you need a lung tranplant, there are NO other options. Listing only occurs when you get to the point that you will probably die within the next two years, without a transplant.

I'm just so frustrated that I now also have to fight for funding.


  1. Yes, adding a fight like this to the already overloaded burdens of families with a member on the waiting list? It's not on. To quote a line from the Cohen Brothers' The Big Lebowski, "This will not stand."

    Letters will spring from my house today, and I will post on Facebook too to spread the word.

  2. It is just so unfair! I don't have the words in me to describe how unfair it is.

    You will not be fighting alone. Your friends are fighting along side you.

  3. I am so. so sorry. After all the slow build up to get knocked down for funding is so unfair. Cherrie

  4. You shouldn't have to be the one to fight for funding Cam! You already have enough on your plate, surviving. I sent my letters snail mail yesterday. Will pray!

  5. No words Cam no words.
    i'm so so very deeply sorry. xo

  6. Oh no :( I'm not sure what to say but urgh :(

  7. I'm so sorry to read this Cam, it is just so wrong!

  8. If I've read that first article correctly at least the federal government is putting on some pressure to get things moving again.

    It should never have come to this but I am hopeful the negative publicity will help to reverse the decision. Keeping my fingers crossed for you Cam.

  9. I have my fingers crossed for you too Cam. It's just so horrible that they can even contemplate something like this. It's not like we are talking elective surgery!

  10. I say fuck this - I believe we could pay for this ourselves, everyone in blogland , all together.
    Cam, this is disgusting. My letter has been sent.

  11. I am constantly amazed at how much money in this world is spent on unnecessary aesthetics or frivolous things when it could be used to save lives or help people...


  12. Thinking of you
    Will send emails

  13. I can't believe how stuffed our health system is !! It is appalling..... I hope the e-mails help Cam. Big Hugs - Fee X

  14. This just pisses me off *shakes fist* these are people's lives that are at risk here


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