
Thursday, September 29, 2011

Why I love the Crafty Interwebz.... edited

Tinniegirl Hottie 1 - edited

I need to say an extra huge super-duper thankyou to everyone who joined in with my Call For Help and helped to Spread the Word all over the social media world!


If you emailed your letters of objection, then you've probably received a group email from the Chief Executive of the Alfred Hospital thisafternoon.

'Following an exceptional increase in clinical workload in the adult lung transplant program, and the need to temporarily reduce activity, staff have advised that the workload has eased sufficiently to incrementally resume normal operation.'

People Power Rocks! 

Edited: Todays report in The Age


  1. got to love chief-executive-speak! Seriously, I am so glad that there is good news (and I hope there is more) x

  2. You rock Cam ~ I hope this brings good things for you. Nic x

  3. just read my email from them too.Yay... So glad they bloody listened.

  4. Such amazing news! Well done everyone!

  5. best birthday present so far it is!!! beyond happy for you xo

  6. such wonderful news Cam, it's great people can make things change

  7. Made me smile to read it earlier. People power sure does rock! Hope you receive some more good news soon and get your transplant x

  8. Brilliant news! I'm sure the people working on the team are almost as thrilled as those on the waiting list!

  9. Yes! Just got home and checked my email, popped over here to see if you'd got that email too! Great news!

  10. YAY! Gotta love the wording. Don't suppose he could have said - social media and people power have kicked our corporate arse.

  11. Oh Cam, I hope you get the magical phone call very soon. Thinking of you. Cat xox

  12. the wording is everything, isn't it! But at least it means one thing - people have power to change things!

    Hope you have an awesome day Cam!

  13. huzzah! people power!
    they're right though, a week too late, it should never have come to this.
    silly buggers!

  14. It really is fantastic news, but it's sad that you needed to hear it in the first place. It's a real testament to how inspiring you are Cam, that your call out fired up some many. xxx

  15. Yay - now fingers crossed that you get 'the call' soon:)

  16. Hi Cam,
    Thanks very much for liking my FB page.
    I can not imagine what you & other people that are waiting for a transplant, are going through.
    I had a friend that had a kidney transplant - she was lucky, her husband gave his & all has been fine so far.
    Going through this process must be very stressful, you live with this everyday.
    At least with the 'normal operation' at the Alfred & support from family and your followers makes things seem a bit easier.
    Again, best wishes.
    regards Nicole

  17. Oh Yayyyyyyyy ... people power maybe??? Great news Darling :)


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