
Friday, October 7, 2011

Humphrey Put A Bird On It

I'm sure you already know how much I love Humphrey B Bear. He'll always be a 70's classic to me.
He was soooo ahead of his time - check out that Put A Bird On It artwork and that glorious patchwork rug - ahem!
My original 1970's Humphrey lives in my lounge room. He's still awaiting a repair to his split side (whoops).

Anyway, I was delighted when my sister found this during our little op shopping mission on Monday.

But, I didn't check inside until I arrived home.

This copy is a 1977 re-print..... so I wonder where a 37 year old Aaron is now?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Are you googling him? Facebook stalking? Maybe not - he might want his book back!

  3. i love buying second hand book for this reason :D
    thinking about the stories that these books could tell, on top of the one you can already read that is...

  4. Ah! So Humphrey's to blame for the "put a bird on it" trend! Who would have thought?!

  5. What a funny old fellow he is! Humphrey not Aaron, although Aaron might be. I shouldn't assume I suppose.

    May I just state here that Patsy Biscoe was the only b>real/b> friend to that really amazing old bear. No one could sit on a giant cube and strum a guitar like she could.

  6. What a nice find! I loved Humphrey too, in fact I don't think I ever got too old for loving Humphrey of a morning. I was very disappointed that my boys didn't share the same fondness...

  7. I love Humphrey in all his pants-less chic! I met him a couple of times as a kid (we lived across the road from channel 9 and allegedly the man in the suit would come in to our shop for coffee … you didn't hear it from me! :)

    Great finds - love the pictures and I'm like you, I wonder what happened to the inscribed people??? On Ya Aaron - hope you're miming with your pants off!

    x G

  8. What do you mean "the man in the suit'? What are you suggesting about Humphrey?

  9. I'm a big fan of Humphrey and also of second hand books, with personal inscriptions that make you wonder about 37 year old Aaron's. it looks like the most gorgeous book btw xo

  10. What a fun find! I remember seeing Humphrey live on stage when I was around 5 yr. Thanks for the memories...

  11. We have this book on our was mine at the in time!!!!!

    Thanks for pointing out that picture...I haven't looked at it in ages....must see if my kids would like me to read it to them! HEHE

  12. Sorry Cam have to disagree with you on this one. I hate Humphrey, always did - no pants and can't talk, but my brother loved him so I had to suffer in silence!

  13. I love finding notes in books - makes them more special :)

  14. Dare I say it???? I've no idea who Humphrey Bear is ... the Aussie equivalent of Paddington Bear maybe?!!

  15. I totally just messaged the only Aaron Bright in Melb with a link to this post.

    Oh yes I did. ;)

  16. how odd it would be if it was the right aaron that vic messaged? and he remembers the books?

  17. I loved Hyumphrey, he was a bit like Hey Hey in the early days, double meanings etc ... gorgeous memories Darling.
    I always wonder where the people might be ... especially when I see photo's ... they're heartbreaking to me the big sooky la la!

  18. I used to have that Humphey book (probably been eaten by silverfish in my parent's shed by now!). And I have very fond memories of shyly handing Humphrey a mintie - when he got off the tram to come to Myers in Bendigo - when I was only 3 or 4. For years I wondered if he ever ate it, or if it was still in his waistcoat pocket!!!

    ps the word verification it "bumet" - what a great word, could be a whole new swear word, as in "Oh BUM IT"

  19. Well, it took me five years to find your blog; but I'm now a 40 year old Aaron Bright and (believe it or not) I remember that book. Wow, that's pretty amazing!

    1. Oh that's funny! I forgot I even had a blog :)


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