
Thursday, October 13, 2011

My Creative Space

Another one of Nikki's A-Line Skirts is in the works at the moment. This time for a friend.

The pattern is all cut out and ready to go, but there's no time for sewing 'til the weekend.

I'll have to just stare at it longingly til then.....sigh

More Creative Spaces


  1. Good luck with the wait!
    Looks like a great pattern.

  2. I know that itch! I think it's why I started to knit. Just to squeeze in a row or two in between Real Life.

  3. I have that pattern and will be using it .. when I have the time... sometime... I have loved every single one I have seen online so far.

  4. Looking forward to seeing your skirt.

    (oh yeah ... and have been really enjoying reading your tweets now that I have been popping into twitter more often - so were you pleased with the outcome on renovators?)

  5. I love this style. Look forward to seeing yours finished.

  6. I've been eyeing off this pattern, I'm going to try to sew some dresses and skirts for my wardrobe. This ones on the list. What a lucky duck you friend is :D

  7. I get it too. I think I'd have to put it out of sight. Otherwise I wouldn't be able to sleep.

  8. Pretty much the same here, got a dress cut out and its on the kitchen bench (I live dangerously), but I don't see myself having my hands free until the weekend to start sewing. Good luck!

  9. how frustrating. I've got a mountain of sewing that I'm itching to do. And I just cant seem to get into the studio, what with work, family etc. Doesn't life get in the way?

  10. It's frustrating isn't it ... hope you get some sewing time this weekend! I've got some material and a zip ready for my next A-line skirt ... just got a load of other projects to finish first. That's life!!

  11. I love the look of this skirt and might just treat myself to the pattern. Hope you get some sewing time in soon.

  12. I just bought this pattern and haven't yet had a chance to make a start on it. Feeling very inspired and hopeful though ...


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