
Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Weekend Activities...

Are you looking for something to do this weekend?

If you're in the North, then head on down to the Made'n'Thornbury market for some of Cathie's extremely yummy goodies!

If you're out East (?.... I was never any good at geography sorry), then check out Buttonfest 2011

So many crafty things to do.... never enough time!


  1. so much to do this weekend. I think I shall head north.

  2. Yay - Made 'n Thornbury Market !

  3. Thankyou for sharing the market !
    Hope we see you there, Deanne

  4. gah wish i wasn't working so i could head to thornbury!
    i mayyy be able to sneak to the button one before work though :D

  5. thank you lovely Miss Cam ♥ you are the bestest EVER

  6. ooh will try come down to the market for sure!

  7. buttonfest! I'm jealous, I wonder if there is a nsw button club? Must check out the collectors episode.


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