
Sunday, October 30, 2011

My Place and Yours

I'm playing along with My Place and Yours this week...

I've showed where I sleep before, so instead I'm showing my newly transformed spare room. It's still a plain white box, but the bunk beds are gone and now I have two nice new singles and a trundle bed.

It's all ready to go for when I get that phonecall that I'm waiting for....


  1. I so hope that call comes soon Cam. xx

  2. I want that phone to ring for you too.

    Ring dammit.

  3. Crossing my fingers for that call.

    My dh knows he is supposed to make sure everything usable is pulled off my body if I go before him; and he knows and doesn't care that is my plan for his, too. :p I wish it were the norm to do many people can use what is no longer needed anymore.

  4. all digits crossed! I darent show my girls rooms.... they are pretty scarey lol

  5. It looks very organised and so tidy...ah to have a spare have a tidy room...

  6. So tidy! Love the little bedside cabinet.

  7. That's a nice little spare room. I hope the phone call comes very very soon!

  8. Love your room all set! I've everything crossed that the call comes very soon for You Darlingheart


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