
Saturday, October 29, 2011

Sorted.... from my archives

A long long time ago (ok, well not really that long ago), I bought a little book.

This little book was the subject of my second ever blog post on Wednesday January 16th 2008.

Today I'm off to spend the day at a 6 Steps Workshop with the books author and organising guru Lisanne Oliver, and two other organisational experts. I'm completely fascinated by the topic so I'm quite excited about the day ahead.

Here's hoping it might also keep my hoarding tendencies at bay!


  1. Lucky you ~ how fun to meet Lisanne ~ love her on the telly! Have a great day!

  2. Isn't the point of being organised so that you can hoard MORE stuff? Sounds like a fun workshop.

  3. Sounds like a fun & hopefully fruitful day! And if you get a chance - peek inside their handbag/satchel to see how they really organise it - whether they actually live by their 'methods' or just preach them!!! AND remember to share tips - cos I'm about to move house & will need to re-organise as I unpack!

  4. Have fun learning how to make room for more stuff :) That's precisely what happened to me reading all the tips from the experts :) Love to hear your thoughts on the day ♥

  5. I just popped over from Naturally Carols as she had a picture link to your blog. The picture had me as I have this book too, and love Lisanne!

    I hope you blog about this, love to hear more!


  6. I love Lisanne Oliver. Lucky you!

  7. I am in the process of giving up my archivist badge.

  8. Finally the very book I need to save me. Looks like a great book.

  9. I think I need that book! Off to check out your earlier post on it :o)

  10. Just downloaded Evernote (saw it on twitter!) and am loving it. Might even be slightly obsessed with it ... ooops!

  11. I already know you had a great day but had to stop by for today's instalment of the word verification dictionary....

    Fiessess: An angry woman with an abrupt attitude whom has been put in charge of a dinner party she would have paid not to attend herself.


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