
Monday, October 3, 2011

A New A-Line Skirt.... edited

I've had Nikki's A-Line Skirt pattern for the longest time.... buoyed by a denim find at the oppy last week, I finally took the time to sit down and make something just for me!

I couldn't believe that when I got the piece of denim home and measured it - there was enough for an entire skirt for just $1.

I always have problems making things for my lower half, as my waist measurement and my hip measurement don't differ much, and I have no bum (seriously, it's as flat as a pancake). I'm also notorious for not being able to measure myself accurately.

I didn't have enough denim to make a mistake. So, to make sure that I was going to get the fit correct, I first made calico toiles of the top section in two different sizes and tried them arounnd my waist and hip. Once I had that correct, it was all systems go!

This was my first attempt at an invisible zip. It's not perfect, but I'm blaming the thick denim ha ha....
 In fact, I didn't even own an invisible zip foot before I bought one to try this out.

I really wanted to add some pockets to the skirt, and I still had a sketch of a tennis skirt that I'd drawn while watching the Australian Open over the Summer. So, I made myself a little template based on that sketch and just laid it on top of the bottom section with the pocket edges extending up into the middle seam and over into the side seam (hope that makes sense).

Now with all of this sunny weather, I just need to make a more summery version!

Edit:  I neglected to mention that even though it's pinned onto Frances (as she seriously needs to add a few kilos), it fits me perfectly!


  1. looks just like a bought one! good one you.

  2. The skirt looks "ace". (daggy tennis joke there)

  3. A very good first attempt at an invisible zip, I might say....Love ya work.

    Did the skrt fit you as well as it did Frances?

  4. Love it !!
    Well done on the fitting from one bumless, 'man waisted' woman to another! It gives me hope.

  5. I wanted so badly to make a tennis pun too ... you know something about how much I "love" your skirt. But then I realised that "love" is the bad score. Sooooo .... moving right along ... what a great A-line skirt! The invisible zipper looks terrific and I really like those self-drafted pockets. Very clever!

  6. Skinny bitches like Frances will always make you feel fat- send her off somewhere to fatten up haha. Such a good skirt, even better in person haha.

  7. Good work with the skirt, especially the invisible zip and your tennis pockets. Have a lovely day!

  8. Love those pockets! Really, I do think Frances needs to take control of the Tim-Tams so she stops being underweight! Cherrie

  9. It's super Cam! I really love it, and the pockets in that fabric are just perfect! xo

  10. It's just beautiful Cam! And those pockets are <3 <3 <3!!!

  11. Looks great I love the addition of the pockets. I love having pockets on things to keep my phone in

  12. loving it - makes me want to head to my machine and sew myself another a-line skirt - a girl can never have enough! :)

  13. Love it Cam - now I want to make a short one!
    Your pockets look great, perfect for keeping tennis balls in!

  14. Everyone gets a great fit with this pattern. I am hoping for the same result when I make mine for my upcoming holiday.

    It looks gorgeous Cam. I love the look of denim with a patch of cotton brightness!

  15. Looks great, Cam! And I love the pockets!

    I've got some fabric to make myself another one and I just need to find the right zip ... another thing for my shopping list this week!

  16. Great Skirt! i'd wear that everyday just my kinda thing. well done

  17. Oooo la la tres chic ... looks stunning :) Congrats Cam lovely job, well done ♥

  18. Looks fantastic!!! :) :) :)
    I can't see anything wrong with the zip.

  19. i love it Cam!! absolutely wonderful!
    I am so slack & still haven't posted about my Nikki skirt. must show her on Friday.
    Looking forward to seeing you then x


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