
Sunday, October 2, 2011

Sunday Snippets... plus a bit of Saturday too

A sneaky peek of something I'll reveal later this week....

More brooch kits in a grey/black colour scheme

The bunks are gone and new beds have been delivered for the spare room...

I took a little Sunday drive and sat in the sunshine...

...and I've been admiring my zero maintenance Yukka's. These pots were plunked in the garden when I moved house and have seriously never been touched since. Now that's my kind of gardening!

More Sunday Snippets...


  1. I love the look of sunshine streaming through the window. I also dig your wall art. Very cool!

  2. Oooh ... I wonder if that bit of lovely Go Granny is wrapped around something drum-like? Have I had a light-bulb moment?!

  3. That new Go Granny that you're working on is looking pretty good from here!!x

  4. Ha ha, the yukka looks fantastic. That's my kind of gardening too.

    Can't wait to see the Go Granny project in full. I just keep staring at my piece of fabric. Got some ideas brewing though.

  5. The go-granny makes me think that I wish I had all girls because I just busted my sons' lamp shade.

    Whatever it is, it's looking great.

    Glad you had some sunshine time.

  6. Love the lamp shade! Looks stunning. Wonder if I should do that for my lovely bicycle fabric?

    Hope you've had a lovely Sunday!

  7. I see we share a gardening philosophy - if it needs my help to survive then there is no point having it.

  8. love the granny sneak peak :) its beautiful fabric!

  9. Lot's happening down there. I love that wall behind the sneaky peak.
    Have a good Monday

  10. Is that a lampshade I spy? I love the little glimpse of your lounge room behind there. My garden is pretty easy care here too..especially with dogs prowling around, whatever survives is meant to grow in it. Just as well I love trees!

  11. Need to get that lampshade kit for myself before I steal yours! It looks B-fabtastic Cam!

  12. OOOOOO...the colors are EYE CANDY!
    Your life is a work of art!

  13. Gotta love a low maintenance garden. :)

    I believe that I've neglected to tell you how awesome your granny square print fabric is. The colours are yummy!


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