Thursday, October 13, 2011

Tutorial - How to Make a Pouch for your Electronic Gadget

I'm super excited that this tutorial is on Whip Up today - a huge thankyou to Kathreen for inviting me to contribute to the Guest Blogger Series!

My sister recently bought me an eReader so I desperately need to Whip Up an eReader Pouch, using one of the original testing samples (in a larger scale) of my Go Granny fabric.

The tutorial explains how to measure your very own eGadget to make a pouch that fits perfectly.

If you'd like to make your very own, using my Go Granny fabric (tip: all those lines make it really easy to sew in a straight line), then pop over here to the shop.

Oh, and if you do make something lovely using Go Granny, then please upload your photos to Flickr and join the Go Granny group!

Download the PDF Tutorial - How to Make a Pouch for your Electronic Gadget


Fiona said...

It's almost as if you designed the Go Granny fabric to be exactly the right size to make this pouch!! It looks fantastic!

Christy クリスティ said...

Very very nice!!! I will give your tutorial a try. Thank you for sharing.

trudi@maudeandme said...

I may need this tutorial as I only just entered the 21st century with a smart phone!

Anonymous said...

very cool cam :)

Jenny said...

It is just gorgeous

Sandy said...

I used your tutorial for week 2 of my "Craft Challenge 2014" - 52 craft projects in 52 weeks...hope you like it!