
Thursday, November 17, 2011

Is it a bird? Is it a plane?

Is it a bat?

No, it's a bird alright...

Thank goodness Mr X came to the rescue by climbing up on a chair to catch little Mr Birdie and take him back outside to fly away.

I quite like visitors in my creative space, but I'd rather that they not be of the feathered pooping variety!


  1. What a lovely visitor... the pooping everywhere, feathers flying kind! You know what they say... a bird in the hand, poops on the wrist (or in the box in this case!!).

  2. Hi Cam..he's quite the acrobat isn't he? Nice little look into your creative space anyway! Have a lovely day.

  3. How did that get in there? Lucky you had a visitor of the human variety to help you get it down :) I'm sure Mr Birdie is much happier outside :)Have a beautiful day!!

  4. Gives new meaning to "put a bird on it"!!

  5. Wow! That wire is obviously just meant for birds to sit on. Or hang from.

  6. Eeeek! We had a bird trapped in the gap above our bay window - it had got in through a tiny, tiny hole and then couldn't get out again. We had to break down part of the ceiling to get it out! Must fix that really....

  7. Bird inside, not good. Is it hanging upside down in the first picture? Crazy!

  8. That would so freak me out... I'm scared of birds... even little ones like that!

  9. Nice pictures of your space!
    Funny the same thing happened here two weeks back must be the season for it and all?
    Thats what happens when you live in light bright sunlit spaces. They think they are still outside. I had to open up the whole back of the house before he went. He left behind a few days worth of surprises!

    I never knew Sally was afraid of birds?


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