
Wednesday, November 16, 2011

A new obsession

I'm always a little bit behind the times when it comes to new fangled technology....

... but now that I have an iPhone

....I've found a new obsession.


Do you Instagram too?

I couldn't resist adding this one.... it's an Instagram of my Intragam


  1. At last! The Instgram of the Intragam!! Nice to see you're using your stuck-in-the-hospital time effectively :-)

  2. Hooray for you on getting the i-phone! I do know about Instagram, even though I don't own an i-phone...

    I've known about quite a bit of technology for some time now, but haven't the funds to participate in it yet...I'm hoping that will change in the near future =-)

  3. I'm a new instagrammer at flowerpress (surprise surprise!) I will see if I can track you down though I'm not so good at finding things there ;-)
    Its fun, I like the way its sort of personal and observational.

  4. I love using my i-phone to take pictures..and then play with different applications. Glad to see you have fun with Instagram. I'm looking forward to seeing many more beautiful pictures. :)

  5. NO, i am definitely NOT on instagram :(!
    great to see the artistic view of the intragram, you are loving your iphone! ♥

  6. It's amazing what you can do with technology these days....

  7. So nice to see you onboard (and I am enjoying following you) - it's a great app isn't it?
    Have you found DerManDar yet? it is a panoramic app and it is awesome!
    Go check it out too.

  8. YES!! Am on it and totally addicted to it too.
    I could have written this post! isn't it the best!??! xo

  9. Lovely photos and as for the last one, it made me giggle!

  10. Ordered an iphone online today - can. not. wait. Am thinking you should continue to take pictures of things that rhyme with instagram - that'll keep your mind busy on your hospital trips - as if you need something else to do (BTW I want you to know I haven't forgotten my side of the bargain - I'm just wanting it to be right!)


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