
Sunday, November 6, 2011

Sunday Weekend Snippets

*please excuse some of the bluriness of my mobile phone photos!

The weekend began early Friday afternoon at my place with a bit of a tidy up (still working on my goals from last weeks 6 Steps Workshop).

Keke the Koala found a new home with some friends in the bookcase.

The CD's got a little organised..... (sensing a musical pattern/obsession with these two shelves).

I finally found my long lost copy of You Sew Girl (jammed in amongst, and under, a pile of junk in the bookcase)

Friday night was dinner at the beach...

....and lots of climbing

...until sunset.

Up early Saturday morning to celebrate Nico's 4th birthday.

Sunday is for eating - yummy banana bread courtesy of Cathie

Sunday is also for sewing - birthday pressie in progress...

Join in Sunday Snippets with Tinniegirl


  1. Yay you found the book!!
    I love the fabric in the last shot - wow!x

  2. Hooray! I'm so glad you found the book!

    Love all your photos, especially the beach ones. And that fabric in the last photo is amazing!

  3. I could do with some of your reorganizing but I'm thinking it might just have to wait a while. Stuff to do...

  4. the tidiness makes me look forward to getting home. i love that fabric, what is it? do tell

  5. Happy you found THE book!! Maybe if I tidied up I'd find the ..... [insert long list!] ... oh well, never mind!

    Sounds like you've had a perfect weekend!

  6. looks like a fabulous weekend, glad to see your still on a roll with the organising...

  7. Hello!
    Happy Birthday for Nico!
    I'm glad you found the book.
    Have a nice weekend!

  8. Happy birthday Nico. Looks and sounds like you are very busy. Its always good having a cler out or a tidy up its good for the soul i feel ;-) Have a lovely Sunday, dee x

  9. im inspired by your clean up and reorganising - I must get back to mine!

    yay you found the book!

  10. That poor old bunny looks a bit drab in amongst her colourful pals. Maybe a good soak in napisan would make her more Curly pops friendly!


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