
Monday, November 7, 2011


Here's the finished result of what I was up to yesterday.

A friends little boy turned one last week. Sam's birthday party clashed with Nico's (I swear, the babies and toddlers and kiddies in my life have more social events than me), so I'm visiting him today.

A few people commented on the clown fabric yesterday. It's a few years old now, but it's Michael Miller Clown Capers.

Funnily enough, Sam's mum had originally bought the fabric to make something for his old brother (who is now four), but she never got around to it and so the fabric was gifted to my stash!

Anyway, I whipped up a couple of drawstring bags to hold his treasures, using my quick and easy tutorial.

I still had a little size 1 t-shirt in the stash, so with a little bit of dragster design, and some applifix....

... he now also has a very cool little man tee!


  1. Such a cute t-shirt. And the treasure bags are super spesh too.

  2. Great gifts, I'm sure they'll be loved to death!

  3. Something I quickly learned when I had children is that they will ALWAYS have a better social life than adults!!!

  4. A great tee for a boy. Am I very slow or is your header new? It looks fresh and happy for spring. Cherrie

  5. Great presents .... I love the bags and the fabric ... so nice.


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