
Saturday, December 17, 2011

Flight of the Ducks - the big reveal

Now that the exhibition has oficially opened, I can reveal my finished masterpiece (ahem)!

I wanted the ducks to look as if they were flying off the canvas.

Sitting at the machine stitching those millions and trillions of stitches was actually quite therapeutic....

The exhibition opening was fabulous. I love group exhibitions because you get to see such an amazing array of talent (and who doesn't love an entire wall of pegboard)?

The way the different people interpret the same theme is always fascinating.

If you pop on over to this post at Gleaners Inc, there's a full list of the artists.

Also, just a reminder, the charity auction finishes at 8PM tonight, so please check it out and make a bid. It's a lovely pressie for Christmas!


  1. Brilliant. Love the canvas background and your signature colours!

  2. Fantastic, Cam! I have no idea how you did all those stitches - if it's therapeutic, you must be cured by now! And yes, signature colours... perfect!

  3. Just beautiful Cam! Love the colours! Like an Autumn sunset in technicolor!Also love how all the stitching has transformed the fabric into something 3-d!

  4. LOVE those ducks, the canvas background was perfect! Did you pick the background first or was it pot luck that you made the duckies & then happened upon the background.. or.. did you paint the background.. MORE INFO IS NEEDED!!!

  5. As soon as I saw it I loved it - what a clever idea. They really do look like they belong with the canvas:) Cyndy

  6. Oh hooray! I would so love to see it in person, all those gorgeous stitches!

  7. wow! Reminds me of "Fly Away Away" movie. You really have captured the feeling of movement. The personal interpretations are amazing and funny too, like those owl looking ducks fly towards the viewer. Great show. Cherrie

  8. Golly gosh Cam! So many stitches. Therapeutic or not, it must've taken such a long time. Well done, your duckies look amazing!

  9. sooooo many stitches! they look fabulous :D

  10. And what a masterpiece it is! they're beautiful Cam, and I also love seeing all the different ones together. xo

  11. very nice! :D really great mixed media


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