
Wednesday, December 28, 2011


I forgot the camera so I only have an iPhone snap

It was my sister's birthday yesterday, and a very special one at that!

I don't bake these days, but lucky for me, I know someone who is an exceptionally talented baker and cake maker....

I asked Cathie to make a chocolate mud cake with chocolate ganache, and OMG it was absolutely delicious.

The boys loved the decorative stars, and even sang a special rendition of 'Twinkle Twinkle Little Star' before we all joined in to sing Happy Birthday.

She received a new Kindle for Christmas so I made a Kindle Sleeve to protect it while it's in her handbag.

Happy Birthday Rach!


  1. the love she will feel for her Kindle is boundless. Nice cover Cam.

  2. Love the Kindle sleeve ... what is that fabric? It's gorgeous!

  3. Love the cake! Happy 40th Birthday Rach!

  4. happy birthday CP's sister. scrumptious looking cake


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