
Saturday, December 31, 2011

Goodbye 2011.... I'm not sad to see you go.

Thank goodness 2011 is over. It really has been my annus horribilus. I don't like to whinge and whine in this space, but seriously, this year had quite a few sucky bits!

A New Years Day ambulance trip and a week in hospital,  another few days in hospital having lots of horrible tests,  and eventually being listed for transplant....

There were various battles over medical funding with both federal and state beauracracy.......... and then there was that false alarm....

Just for my own amusement, I'm going back to the list that I made at the start of the year to see what I managed to tick off.

  • Stay out of hospital (that one actually is my number one priority)! (half tick)
  • Have more fun (half tick)
  • Work on more illustrations (half tick)
  • Work on more textile art pieces (half tick)
  • Apply to take part in a group exhibition (gold star - I took part in 2 this year)
  • Indulge more in my love of eating lunch at nice cafes (gold star)
  • Remember that exercise is a necessary evil (half tick - I haven't missed many PR sessions)
  • Spend more time properly planning meals and cooking for myself (fail - no interest in cooking)
  • Experiment with more coffee blends and make a shortlist of my favourites (half tick)
  • Procrastinate less (have decided that procrastination is actually part of my creative process)
  • Remember that me time on the couch watching trashy tv is good for my soul (half tick)
  • Improve my writing skills (fail)
  • De-clutter more of my life (gold star)

Overall, I'm pretty happy with that list of things.

There's no list for this year - living in limbo, and waiting for a phone call that will change your life forever sort of negates the need for any forward planning. I'm not going to indulge/frustrate my inner control freak by making plans that I know I can't keep.

Go Granny Cotton - 1

Instead, here's a teeny tiny little look back at some really amazing stuff that happened in 2011.

Looking back through my flickr stream, I can see that even with the sucky bits, I really managed to achieve a lot.

So, it's hooray to a brand new fresh year. Hopefully a year that will bring me some new lungs..... and a brand new lease on life!


    1. Goodbye 2011 then! Best wishes for better times in 2012, and congratulations on all fo the amazing work you did in 2011.

    2. You absolutely achieved a lot - SO MUCH, you are an inspiration to people like me who procrastinate heaps more than you do. ;)

      My number one wish for you in the New Year is a healthy new set of lungs to be getting on with!

      Thanks for being an awesome bloggy pal this year Ms Cam, bring on 2012. xx

    3. Yep, let's kick 2011 to the curb. I'm giving you a big gold star for all that you acheived and being a very awesome blogger and creative gal.
      Hope 2012 is very kind to you. Dee

    4. May 2012 bring you your new lungs and a new lease on life (mind you , you seem to get so much done now I can't imagine what a new improved you could do !)

    5. I wish you much health and happiness for 2012, and lots of crafting too. Happy New Year Cam x.

    6. collect and catch up with lots of friends TICK! well, you've helped make my way better, Miss Pops, I can only hope that new healthy set of ungs comes early 2012 so the rest of 2012 is great....err, ok, so lets get the recovery out the way early, too! Thanks for being such a great friend, the bets thing I've found since blogging!

    7. I've only just met you and your creative genius this year, and I believe you've achieved incredible stuff.
      You're a lovely lady :-)
      Heres to a 2012 with a new set of healthy lungs, much improved health and happiness and generally stuff going right for you.
      You deserve it :-)
      Sonia xx

    8. Thank you for being you Cam. An inspiration and a great bloggy friend!! I hope you get the call soon, so you can then not worry and get on with things! Happy New Year XXXJennie.

    9. Roll on 2012 I say! Here's to you Queen Curly Pops and a year filled with love and new lungs and time on the couch and creative achievement and easy breathing! Getting to know you and the hottie challenge was certainly a highlight for me!

    10. Here's hoping you have an awesome 2012, keep up with the great sewing and creating.

    11. Looking at all the goodies in your montage it looks like 2011 had a pretty productive side for you too! I hope 2012 is all you hope for. See you there!

    12. Thanks Cam for sharing both your ups and downs with honesty and humour over the last year. As someone still new to it all you are an inspiration, so thank you:) Here's hoping 2012 is a banner year for you! Cyndy

    13. Heck, woman, the amount you achieved with all that you have to deal with is a.m.a.z.i.n.g!

      Happy new Year to you and I'm wishing for those lungs for you too.

    14. That's right - accentuate the positives! Creatively it's been a great year for you. And the lungs will come! I know they will.

      Happy new year, my lovely friend. xxx

    15. All in all I think you have had an amazing year! I'm impressed by just how much you have ticked off. I'm scared to revisit my list!

      I'm hoping for a very special 2012 for you x

    16. If that was a bad year and you still managed to do so much, I'm really looking forward to seeing what you do next year. Hopefully with a new set of lungs too. Happy New Year, Cam!

    17. You are definetly Ms Superpops. You have achieved so much wonderful "goodness". I am wishing for you your big one for 2012.
      Trudi xx

    18. 2012 will be your year Cam, I just know it! Pretty sure I'll be heading down your way in May and hopefully by then you'll have those new lungs, and a new lease on life! All the best Cam, you really are a gem!


    19. I'm wishing hard for a new set of lungs for you :)

    20. Creatively you have had an amazing year.
      You have achieved lots! More than most people.
      A great blog too!
      Wishing you a WONDERFUL New Year!
      But most importantly a Happy & Healthy one too.
      My fingers are crossed and I'm full of hope that you will get that much needed transplant.

    21. And a happy new year to you too, here's hoping for a whole lot more ticks and half ticks to add to that list - oh, and new lungs.

    22. Congratulations on getting through this challenging year, you did a fantastic job. A spectacular effort with the release of your fabric designs and all of the craftiness you fit in despite your ill health. Well done and every best wish for your dreams to come true in 2012.

    23. Happy New Years Cam. May 2012 bring you a new pair of lungs.

    24. Happy New Year dear Cam! I wish you a happy, healthy and wealthy 2012. All the best!

    25. Happy New Year! Wishing you every blessing in 2012 x

    26. What a busy girl! Here's to 2012 Cam, hope its a great one :-)


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