
Sunday, January 1, 2012

Bring on 2012 and Fill it with Colour and Music and Coffee....

Happy New Year from me and Mr Limpy Houdini Dog!


  1. May 2012 be filled with pink and orange and lots of caffeine. Happy new year! xx

  2. Happy New Year, Cam. What an eventful year! I hope 2012 is good to you :)

  3. Happy New Year Cam! I hope this is your year for amazing things. Nic x

  4. Happy New Year to you oh colourful one. I hope it is rainbowtastic.

  5. Great pics!
    Again, I hope 2012 is a wonderful year for you.
    Happy New Year!

  6. Ooh! We're on the same colour wave length Curlypops!Planning to paint the tiles around the hearth in pink and orange! 2011 is over! Big sigh of relief...Happy New Year.

  7. Colour , Music, Coffee : The three things that make my heart jump with joy everyday and keep life moving in the right direction. Well I know it's the caffine that makes my heart jump, but in the morning we need a little help so we can appreciate the COLOUR and MUSIC!
    Thanks for sharing your colour with us last year Cam. Looking forward to the New Year.....may it be filled with Fun, Colour and Craftin' xxliz

  8. happy new year :D

    houdini looks pretty darn comfy laying there :p

  9. Wooo Hoooo more pink and orange Cam, I'll pass on the coffee. Yikes if I get a whiff of caffeine I'm like a balloon with the air let out whirling on the ceiling. Hoping with all my heart you get that call soon. Huge Hugs & Laughs xo.

  10. "I'll have what she's having"...

    Yep, not sorry to see 2011 go and very excited about the new year already. It's a good vibe! Music sounds like a good idea...


  11. Happy New Year Cam! Let's hope this one is remembered for the good things it brings!

  12. What a GORGEOUS post!!
    Loving all the colour, music and coffeeeee! Hope you're getting the hang of your new machine - its taken me a while to get used to mine!XX

  13. with you on those ones!! happy new year!

  14. And to you Cam : o )

    A year of laughter and smiles : o )

  15. Happy new year!! And is that a hat you are making!!!???!

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Hey Cam,
    Happy New Year! May it be filled with laughter, happiness, warmth and love, and the fulfillment of your dreams. Thinking of you in this annus mirabilis!
    xxx J

  18. Sounds good to me! Happy New Year Camx


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