
Thursday, February 16, 2012

A Blog Chicks Feature

I'm totally chuffed to have a little feature over on Blog Chicks at the moment.

The directory is a celebration of the diverse range of Aussie Female Bloggers and covers categories from craft, to fashion, to lifestyle, to travel.... and soooo much more.

I've answered lots of questions about blogging and a few personal ones as well, so I hope you'll pop on over for a read, and while you're there, add your blog (if you haven't already).

The interview has ended up being perfectly timed as we're heading into the start of Donate Life Week beginning this Sunday, February 19th, and running until February 26th.

Thankyou so much Leigh!


  1. I read it last night... Very good. How fancy pants to be a featured blogger.

  2. Great story! And how chuffed was I that I was one of your fave blogging chicks! Thank you!

    And right back at ya!

  3. I loved reading this, great interview Cam! All the best for Donate Life Week, I've just popped the button on my sidebar..xx

  4. So great that you are featured, a great interview Cam!X

  5. Great interview :) I think you are doing wonderful things for the cause xx


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