
Friday, February 17, 2012

A Weekend of Exhibitions

Blossom and Bloom Invite

So many exciting things are planned for this weekend!

Tonight is the grand opening of the first ever solo gallery exhibition by Cathy Kirwan (Tinniegirl) at Red Brick Gallery in Ballarat.

Unfortunately, I'm totally bummed that I can't make it to opening night, but I'm heading down on Saturday to meet up with my sister, and Cathy, to see it.

I haven't even had the chance to take a sneak peek in Cathy's studio (like I would normally do), so I really really can't wait to see it!

There's an excellent little cafe just around the corner from Red Brick, so it's the perfect spot to meet up with friends for a visit!

If you're in the city, then make sure to get along to Outre Gallery and check out the very talented Jess McCaughey (Teddy Bears Wednesday).

Opening night is also tonight, but luckily both exhibitions run for two weeks until March 1st.

If you've never been along to check out an exhibition, then I can highly recommend it!


  1. Oh how I would love to go to both!
    Have a wonderful time. I can't wait to hear all about them!

  2. I'd love to go to both of these too!
    Take loads of photos for us!X


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