
Thursday, November 15, 2012

My creative space.. and super exciting news

I finished off the last lot of goodies for the Pop-Up Shop yesterday.

I decided to take some of my new designs, as well as re-working and re-colouring some of my old hand-drawn designs to create Mini Art Prints. They've been printed onto 100% cotton archival quality card stock.

I'm totally in love with the brightness and richness of the print.

But in even more exciting news....

I received an email on the weekend to tell me that I'd won a place in Module 1 of The Art and Business of Surface Pattern Design. Out of 114 entries, they picked little old me!

I cannot put into words how totally and completely over the moon I am about this! We're only two days into it so far (as Aus is a day ahead of most of the world), and already I'm completely inspired.

Although I can't share any course content (of course of course), I can share my designs on the blog along the way, so I can't wait to see what happens next.

So I must give a huge thankyou to Rachael and Beth for the wonderful opportunity.

More creative spaces...


  1. And why wouldn't they pick you? You're a fabulous uber talented lady. Congratulations!

  2. Congratulations! Onwards and upwards :)

  3. Congratulations--that really looks like a great opportunity--and so nice to be chosen on your merit :)

  4. Congratulations Cam. That is brilliant news. Cherrie

  5. Looking forward to seeing what you produce.

  6. Woo Hoo...congratulations you deserve it. xxx

  7. Big congrats!!!
    And I love the test pattern - so cool!X

  8. gosh those prints are rediculously fab. well done on the course! :)sarah

  9. Yay! Congratulations! Have fun!
    Looking forward to yor new creations. Love how colourful your images are. Awesome style.

  10. Congratulations on winning the spot for course Cam!! I know you will burst forth with new and inspired design work as you move through the course and I look forward to seeing your designs here on the blog =-)

  11. that's awesome Cam, congratulations!! I'm behind in my computer-time and blog reading, so I'm catching up now. You are already so talented and clever, so I can't wait to see what you do with all your new knowledge!! Cat x


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