
Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Packing and Prepping

I've spent the day packing and prepping...

I'm off to the B-Fabulous wedding on Saturday, but I'll also have some goodies available at the Polly Pratt Pop-Up Shop at Olive Grove.

 The Colour-In Kits have been updated and they're on sale!

Just in case I forget to blog the details later in the week... here's the poster!

I just need to pack a few more things, and then get organised to head off to tonights HLTTV meeting. 


  1. oooh, I haven't been to a wedding for ages, hope you have a very fun day, Cam

  2. Gosh I can't believe B-fabs wedding has almost arrived already!! Hope you guys have a brilliant time - take lots of pics for us!!X

  3. Love popping in Cam your posts always oooze mega fun! Hope everything worked out in your busy schedule. ;~)


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