I bought this on Ebay over 12 months ago but I just haven't had time to sit down, read the instructions, and work out how to use it! It's still on my 'To Do' list.........
Thanks to Flossy-P for this weeks theme.....it may be just the motivation I need to get cracking!
tehehehe, I had to chuckle when I saw this, I think it's because not only does it look a little daunting in itself, but it's the type of thing that represents the best of intentions to create so many wonderful things... Much like the giant pile of un-used fabric I have. Each piece had a purpose when I bought it, but 90% still lays untouched.
I hope you find time to make something wonderful soon :D
Thanks for playing along.
Oooooh, learn to use it. An overlocker is so much fun and speedy. It is such a great compliment to your sewing machine. Finishing edges, whipping up a windcheaters and t-shirts in record time, lettuce edging on little girls nighties and mock turtleneck tops, tidying up fraying edges on old bath towels, quick and dirty patchwork effects.....................
I am sure that this list is only the start of what others might suggest.
i'm agreeing with crafty things - overlockers are brilliant! i got one last year, and its been wonderful. thought luckily i didn't have to thread it or anything - so good luck getting it going.
but i am sure once you use it that you won't want to get rid of it.
happy sewing!
(posting under elm - really milky and rosie here)
Ooh, overlockers are ace...... I was going to buy one with some money my nan gave me, but mum told me not to because I can use hers (notwithstanding the fact that I need to drive 2 hours to Bendigo to do that... maybe she just wants me to go home more often... hmmmm).
Thanks again Ms Curly Pops for the comments on my blog, I always enjoy reading them.
In fact, because you are such a good commenter (is that an official word?? oh well, it is now) and have been the second person ever to link to my pages, I'm going to send you a little pressie. Look out in your email address for a note from me.
Hope you find the time soon-looks a bit tricky!
You'll love it once you dive in, Cam! OL's are great!! I can't imagine not using one now. Take the time to figure it out. So what if you stuff up a bit. It just means you'll learn faster! :o)
Gosh, it looks confusing. Don't you just hate reading instruction manuals! Although you are lucky you got one - my friend bought an overlocker on ebay and it didn't come with a manual! In the end she had to email someone who was selling the same thing and bought a photocopy of the manual off them!
Wow, look at all the things an overlocker can do in Crafty Things comment...maybe I need one too?!
Learn girl!! OL are awesome! My mum gave me one for Xmas and although they are extremely speedy and have a mind of their own, they certainly make sewing easier.
Ohhh.. I have overlocker envy! I so want one, but like you am a little daunted by trying to learn how to use it (the threading scares me). Have fun once you get a chance to play with it!
Oh! My mum bought one off ebay for me for Christmas and I walk past it every day and think of all the cool things I could do with it... and then get scared. I totally hear you! It's really just a matter of "where on earth do I start with this thing?!"
I hope you are able to use it real soon. I find reading the insturctions can take forever but it is worth it in the end.
Cheers Kyla
I understand, I'd be exactly the same! I still haven't tried the buttonhole feet on my sewing machine because it all seems too hard. :P
Cam.... are you serious???? I'd love to get my hands on one of these! Get to it girl!
i haven't tried to use mum's overlocker yet either... way too scared without her. You go first and let me know!!
Ever since I borrowed my daughter's serger, I want one for myself. It makes sewing clothes so much easier and faster! I encourage you to try it out soon!
I miss my overlocker so much. I was lucky enough to learn when I was a child and had my mother at hand to help.
You won't regret the time invested in learning.
Give it a whirl, have you got a local Janome dealer?? Ask for some demos they would be more than happy I am sure, threading is the most daunting, but once learnt you will be whizzing stuff up all over the place..
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