They look like Smurfs in bad 80's puffy tracksuits ala Kath Day-Knight.... and who decided that a horrible little silver cap would suit over 400 different shaped faces? Is it just me, or do they all look like they have little shoulders and beer guts under their trackie tops? They also remind me of melting polar ice caps and those yummy blue raspberry flavoured slush puppies that I used to buy at the milk bar on the way home from school.
Everyone else is doing a poll on this very important issue, so I'm joining in. What do you think - Slush Puppy Smurf or Swanky Aussie Style.
Photo courtesy of Herald Sun website
Hmmm, as a trainee Kiwi I should not really comment. But your right, that is not the most flattering outfits.
I actually like it!
I'm seeing servo attendants and/or mechanics! Strange choice.
Oh my goodness!!! Did they have a sale at Lowes??? I'm glad I missed it.
I heard on the radio them being referred to as "the fat suits". Have to agree. SO UNFLATTERING. And even though the yellow and gold is always naff - it's Aussie colours!
Smurfs is a good description! I thought they were very average and quite sloppy and I too missed the green and gold.
LOL we did look interesting, at least yo think we could of ironed our trackies lol
omilord, they are smurfs... shiny ones.
Don't like them :-(
I'm with Christie, not a huge fan...
noice, I'm liking it (not really), loved the smurf comparison.
Looks like Smurfs on the march to me....
I told my little (english)to look for the green and gold while we watched the opening ceremony - kinda stunned when thes came marching out!
I liked the comment in the paper comparing them to sucked icy poles. lol.
I concur Ms Curly! YUCK! They look all hollow shouldered and beergutted. And very much like a "blue heaven" SlushPuppie.
Oh, geez, I missed the Aussies come in...they totally have the Americans beat for stupid hats!! lol And yeah...Slush Puppie.
I wasn't a fan of the colours either. Very 'wishy-washy'.
We dont seem to do casual well....who choose Sportscraft whose target is probably over 40 why didn't we have a young designer involved
I remember when I was still working at my old workplace, and the sportscraft girls were next to us... and they told me that sportscraft was doing the olympics uniforms... I thought, "oh, yay, the aussies will look GOOD for once".... oh boy, how wrong was I?!
They looked atrocious!
I have to say I agree... they do look a little chubby in those jackets.
OMG I was totally horrified when they came out in those crushed unflattring trackies. I have 2 friends competing there and I felt so sorry for them! My sister competed at Athens and they had much better uniforms. I hope they've given them a better closing ceremony outfit.
Yuck, yuck yuck!!!
Absolutely awful. John Howard trackie-style is not a good look. Looks like my white top that got washed with the new navy socks...!
I am hearing you - loud and clear!! They are hideous. Looks like they had a mishap with the bleach.
I vote for smurfs. Not a good look.
Definitely slush puppy smurf!!! I love how the tops go from light at the shoulder to dark around the bottom giving it that little extra beer gut illusion. Whoever was in charge of picking these should be fired!
So that's what John Howard's been up to since he left politics.
Mmmmm, my first reaction after staying up late was "Oh?" I was hoping to capture that feeling of pride as our athletes strode out..in some nicely tailored number (hopefully without a Ken Done and Jenny Kee reference) but as soon as i saw this outfit there was no pride just a collective gasp.... bring back Ken and Jenny I say!!!! or a young designer (who by the way can still be over 40 and design well!!!!!)
I know! Glad I fell asleep and missed it! he he he
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