The most amazing Pay It Forward gift arrived on my doorstep last week.... all the way from sunny Queensland. I signed up on Bec's The Small Stuff blog a while ago, and then had promptly forgotten all about it!
So many little brown paper packages tied up with string.... but what was inside?
Vintage tea-towels, a relaxing oil blend, and my favourite chocolate (luckily it arrived just before the heatwave hit and the chocolate survived perfectly)..... although it's already been eaten now of course!
There was also this gorgeous market bag which is the perfect size to sling over your shoulder and head to the shops. I've always been a huge fan of the way that Bec takes unusual / reclaimed / recycled items and uses them in her bags. This is definitely a favourite as the bag has been embellished with a mens tie.
But there was even more....
.... and now I have one of my very own. It even had 20 cents inside for good luck!
Thanks so much Bec for such a wonderful Pay It Forward gift. Bec's new range of bags are available in her Etsy Shop.
Now it's time for my own Pay It Forward.
I'm sure everybody already knows the rules but: The first three people to leave me a comment will receive a handmade gift from me sometime in the next 365 days. I can guarantee that you definitely won't receive anything in March or April.... but sometime after that! The only other rule is that you must have a blog and you must agree to spread the love by paying it forward to three other people sometime in the next 365 days. Simple really!
Edited: I actually need 6 people to sign up because I've signed up for another one over at Thousand Threads!
Hi Miss Curlypops!
I'd love to be in your pay it forward if there's still room for me :)
What a great idea. I would love to take part. I have been lurking on your blog for a while and love it, your honesty and often wonder at how you get time to do all you do.... Great stuff and keep up the lovely work.
Hi, I think this is a lovely idea too and I'd love to take part if I'm in time. thanks so much xx D
Btw awesome stash of gifts you recieved, I love the bag made with ties...shoulder bags are cool
Aw, thanks for the lovely write-up Cam! I'm so glad the chocolate arrived before the heatwave - I can just imagine how messy that package could have turned out if it had arrived just a bit later :O
Don't think my comment worked. I would love to be included in your pay it forward. What a great idea! Sharon
Hi Cam - I'd love to be included in your pay it forward if I'm in time!
I'm not sure if I made the cut or not, but what a great package you got! Yummo to the Green and Blacks too.
What a great gift! Perfect for you!
I would love to take part, you make the cutest things. And that purse and bag are just darling, I love how she used the tie.
Ooooops Sorry, I see first three. :) I thought maybe you'd do a random draw... maybe next time I'll read closer :)
Shame I missed your PIF, but had to comment on those delicious items you received from Bec! I love the bag!
OMG... I've signed up for one of these (I was #2 from memory)but can't remember WHERE or WHO!!! Am I in trouble or will someone contact me via my blog? DILL!!
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