
Friday, May 22, 2009

Some extra information

I received quite a few questions about the doiley rings after my post yesterday, so I thought it would be easier to explain with some more photos.

I found two matching doileys at the oppy - the photo above is the doiley that hasn't been cut up yet. Each ring has a hard plastic centre, and I can't work out why there are the three extra rings at the top....

I separated each ring, but then I needed to colour them. I didn't have any fabric dye, so I've used watered down acrylic paint, waited for it to dry, and then applied a clear coat of water based varnish. Of course, this method would only be suitable for items that are not designed to be washed.

I hope that answers all of the questions!

Is anyone else having blogger problems at the moment? I can read all my favourite blogs in Google Reader but when I click over and try to comment, I keep getting the message - Internet explorer cannot open the site - operation aborted... gggrrrr


  1. I am getting that message when I try to open some links from my blog in a new tab ... very frustrating!

  2. No. It seems to be good at this moment in time. Maybe there are gremlins running around in the computer system somewhere.

  3. Oh dear I thought it was just me! I keep getting that message too. It was such a pain in the neck yesterday trying to leave comments at creative places. I couldn't leave any at some and it's still happening today.

    How rude! I grumbled before I ooo-ed and ahh-ed at your wonderful doily conversion. If you are ever after some dye, and the best dye in the whole wide world then I'd suggest you take a look at Kraftkolour - They are a Melbourne Company and have amazing dyes.

  4. Thanks for the pics. Now I understand.

    Not having problems with blogger at the moment but I have had that before. Usually I just refresh the page and it comes up the second time.

  5. Yes I am having those problems, I thought it was just me being a computer drong ! Yay I'm not a drongo !!!

  6. Thanks for the extra info Cam. I think your HAC looks great.

    No problems for me.

  7. The starting doily is quite interesting, sorry can't shed light on the three rings at the top though. The colours are very vibrant, congrats on being creative to get them that way!
    It's not blogger, it's internet explorer. We use Firefox and have had no problems at all recently, leaving comments all over the place...LOL!

  8. Now that's very innovative - no wonder the colours look so amazing.

    Oh and yes, I'm another person having problems with "Operation Aborted". Apparently its a known problem and Blogger are trying to fix it.

  9. Love how a great oppy find resurfaces into something COMPLETELY different from the original. Can't wait for those brooches to hit your shop!

  10. That doily reminds me of something my mom used to make with six pack rings from soda. I can't even remember what she crocheted on them, but it had the same visual effect!

    very creative paint idea

  11. I'm not having that problem with google reader but I am having delayed updates

  12. Oh love the little flower brooches and your recycling of the doily! What a great idea! I am not having the blogger problems your having, but I do tend to use Mozilla Firefox, as opposed to Internet Explorer. These terms are both quite foreign to me, no expert on computer stuff here!

  13. Vivid colours. Thats neat!

    We use Firefox. Things have been so much better since we made that switch last year.

  14. Thanks for letting us know about this problem if I had to open up your site a couple of times to read the post. I'm very glad to know that it isn't my PC.

  15. Ten points for the varnish use !!

  16. I really love what you're doing with these doilies. They look fantastic. Curious about those three extra rings too! Can't wait to see what you have planned for these.

    I too am suffering at the hands of the 'operation aborted' thing. I thought it was just my computer. Am relieved it's not just me!

  17. I have just found your blog and had a great giggle and lots of sympathy for your Spotlight story. Best not to get started - too many stories to share! Could the little rings have been used to hook the d'oyley on something? Lisa.

  18. I thinkt he doily rings are so striking! I can't wait to see whatelse you have planned for them. Jewellery perhaps?

    Blogger is driving me nuts. Your website just shut down on me, and I haven't been able to get into my own website for days!

  19. cam...
    I only get problems when i use safari
    so i go onto firefox 90% of the time...
    love the idea behind the doilies...
    so clever...

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. They are so neat... I spotted a crocheted cardigan in my daughters pile of washing yesterday that I've scarpered with to do something similar with!

    Fantastic idea Cam!

  22. I thought it was just my "country connection"

  23. those are so bright and fun! can't wait to see the finished broaches!

    smiles to you!

  24. Oh yay, now I get it! Thanks for posting the info. And here I was picturing you crocheting all those pretty little ring. Bet you could though. I too have been getting that message - but only on certain blogs, not all, including yours.

  25. I tried to leave an earlier comment on Creative Spaces but its working. love the vibrant colours

  26. Great colours on your crocheted rings, and a very creative method!
    I had the internet problems on Thursday and Friday all the time, thank you for letting me know it was not me doing something wrong.


Thanks for your fabulous comment! Comments make me happy and smiley....
I try to reply so please make sure your email address is enabled in your id and not that silly no-reply comment blogger thingamajiggie!