Thursday, May 21, 2009

My creative space

Today, it's creativity on a plate....

I'm making more flower brooches in lots of different colours. As the petals and flower centres are completed, they're added to this plate, where they wait until their next transformation.

Lots more inspiring creative spaces at Kootoyoo


sewfunky said...


Kirsty said...

It looks great Cam. Do you have a "before" shot from the deconstruction?

Jemma. said...

Pretty colours. I love the teal-ey one especially.

Cindy said...

I really like the look of the leaves - very interesting indeed.

becclebee said...

what bright and brilliant colours. those brooches are going to be fab!

Kate said...

They are just so gorgeous. I feel like wearing all of the holey ones as rings.

angelique said...

Such lovely colours. A great way to brighten up a very grey day here.

Michelle said...

oh how nice does this look...
love the colours...
and these will look so gorgeous made up...

Michelle said...

Gorgeous colours. Those doilies must have been a sight to see when they were all joined together.

Jhoanna said...

Gorgeous Cam. Lots of inspiration and happiness right there.

M* (Melanie) said...

beautiful! The colours look delicious

Leslie said...

I love the colors, they're amazing. So bright and cheery.

Selina said...

those colours are just gorgeous Cam! very you, I would imagine!

Anonymous said...

I love the doily pieces - did you dye them, or were they already these lovely colours? Your prototype brooch was (is) gorgeous.

Christy said...

that's a beautiful fabric garden!

Gina said...

Gee the dyeing came up nicely.

Cathy {tinniegirl} said...

They look so gorgeous in all their colourful glory. I love the yellow/orange flower petals.

Melanie Gray Augustin said...

Looking lovely!

Chrisy said... the colours you've chosen...a person could wear lots of colors at the one time and it'd look fantastic!

Leah said...

good enough to eat! Na, love the colors so bright and happy!

littlelovelies said...

beautiful colors!
x nadine

Rebecca Jones said...

lovely creative space! The brooches are going to look so beautiful when they're finished, can't wait to see them.

Bird Bath said...

what a wonderfully riot of colour and texture...they look amazing!

Unknown said...

How beautiful !

Nikki said...

That kind of colour mix kind-of makes you want to dive in, doesn't it?

Angie said...

The colours & the light are beautiful

frutejuce said...

They are beautiful.

bubbachenille said...

These are adorable, wont they look great on a dark coat?

zoesquid said...

Gorgeous colors cam. Are they crocheted?

Anonymous said...

They are really pretty Cam.

A Spoonful Of Sugar said...

Love your gorgeous crocheted flowers!

Tania said...

I'm officially in AWE. Love em.

Lucy Bowler said...

What a beautiful picture - can't wait to see more!

Anonymous said...

Are you crocheting these little rings yourself? They're great!

Jennifer Rose said...

they look so pretty in a pile :D

Patsy said...

Wow, those are neat!! Love the colors. I really enjoy reading your blog!!

c.raf.t said...

Beautiful colors and shape.Woooow!

Melissa G said...

So many lovely colours.

Liesl said...

They are such divine colours. I can't wait to see the end result.

Anonymous said...

Great colour. Looks great fun to make. Hope you'll share the finished piece.

Jenifir said...

Delicious! I love the finished project too.

Cat (darklingwoods) said...

so pretty like little flowers :)