
Friday, July 1, 2011

It's the big opening night!

 1. Hottie Challenge, 2. Hottie, 3. IMG_34782, 4. Hottie by Sarah Lancaster, 5. Hot water bottle cover ("The nanna") with free motion embroidery, 6. Hottie front..., 7. PreLoved-Still Loved, 8. hottie, 9. hottie, 10. test pattern hottie - colour side, 11. Hottie - Full pic, 12. Hottie Front, 13. the craft revival hottie challenge , 14. Hottie Challenge - Front, 15. hottie front, 16. Fuzzi Teddy Bear 2, 17. hottie1, 18. Cupcake hottie cover, 19. "Hot" hottie cover, 20. Cupcake hottie cover, 21. Julianne's "heart warming" hot water bottle cover , 22. 062111-two-hotties-on-grass, 23. doily hottie - front, 24. Konstant Kaos Hottie Challenge, 25. My hottie cover for the #hottiechallenge, 26. Jacqui's hottie front, 27. Hottie back, 28. DSC_6959, 29. marcus2, 30. Hottie Front, 31. Toasty Warm Hottie, 32. Baby Ballerina - hottie challenge

Tonight is the BIG night!

We finally get to see all of our beautiful Hotties hanging in a lovely crisp white gallery space.

Everyone is welcome, so please come along and show your support. The opening begins at 6PM tonight, but the exhibition runs until July 24th.

Spread the word - bring your friends - make it a crafty day out..... but most of all ENJOY the show!


  1. Channel Bros! Have a great night! Enjoy your speech! I'll be cheering for you from up here!

  2. I know you will have an amazing time there!

  3. Looks like a great exhibition. Good luck for it all.

  4. yay! sorry I didn't put mine on flickr ♥

  5. Have a great night Cam!
    Will be thinking of you - hope the speech goes well!XX

  6. I'm looking forward to it, lets raise lots of money!

  7. Look at what you pulled together! Well done Chook. Hope the night goes spiffingly well and the speech goes down a treat. I'll be there in spirit - inbetween the actual kid wrangling...

  8. Have a great evening Cam. Lots of photos please for those of us who are geographically challenged :)

  9. Congrats on a job well co-ordinated...All the best for tonight.

  10. Great work, Cam! Thanks for all the fun!

  11. Wish I was there, I hope you're having fun!


  12. Hooray! I hope it was a wonderful evening. They all look so fantastic and so amazing all together. Well done! :)


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