
Friday, March 27, 2009

Boxes, Boxes Everywhere

I'm still slowly unpacking, and the pile of boxes is getting a little smaller as the days go by.
I've even been substituting boxes for pieces of furniture.

I've been searching for a new bedside table for a couple of weeks now. I've been to three different furniture shops and only found one bedside table that I actually liked. Then there was a slight problem, as the bedside table was part of a set. To split the set, they wanted to charge $350 for one bedside table...eeeeek!

But then yesterday, I headed out, and the op-shop gods were smiling as I found this little beauty at the Salvos for $15.

It needs a little TLC.... but isn't it lovely!


  1. I can already picture the beauty she'll become!

  2. cam, what a find

    i was looking for something just like this for lo's room, but in the end i gave up & went to ikea!

  3. It sure is lovely! Don't forget to rub a candle along the runners to make the drawers slide nicely.

  4. You have the best op shop luck I have ever seen.

  5. Excellent find Cam, well done you.... I can't wait to see it transformed.

  6. Wow, gorgeous. I have hit your side of town again, found Salvos at Hoppers Crossing today, OMG! Awesome.

  7. Laughing! My bedside table for the past three years has been a box (as yet unpacked!) I cover it with one of my many thrifted tablecloths to suit my mood. Yours is lovely and will love being tarted up I am sure.

  8. I think there could be some lovely wood, or perhaps veneer, under that white paint. If it's pine, a sanding (leaving some of the white paint on) and some varnish would have it looking very 'shabby chic' darling.

    I love the handles - you'd pay $15 alone for those else where! :)

  9. yeah, you lucky gal! what a perfect little table. i'll be waiting to see how you spruce it up!

  10. Good score, are you going to just tidy it up or transform it?

  11. What a find! And ohhh I can see you really making this one a little beauty....

  12. just gorgeous Cam! you'll have lots of fun with that!

  13. Great find- can't wait to see it after the touch-up.

  14. Great find- can't wait to see it after the touch-up.

  15. what a wonderful find!!! Have a great tomorrow!!!!!

  16. Cam, it's perfect! Great score.

  17. very shabby chic – well spotted! We've just done the rounds of chuck out day as we drove to do the groceries – alas our car wasn't big enough tp bring home some of the stuff we spotted!

  18. Yes, very nice! And the price cannot be beat!


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