Every single room in the house is still a work in progress.
The craft space is nearly at a level where I could actually create something... imagine that!
The port-a-cot just needs to be moved to the spare bedroom, and there are a few more bits and pieces yet to find homes, but the whole place is starting to actually look liveable once more.
I am really behind on reading emails and blogs. Getting an internet connection was a real struggle because I don't need or want a home phone. I've ended up with an overpriced pre-paid Telstra wireless plan while I wait for Three wireless to be extended into my area..... but I just can't live without the internet, so there's a price that must be paid.
I might still be a little quiet over the next week or so while I continue to unpack and catch up on all my favourite bloggers.
I did manage to make it to the Stitches and Craft show on Saturday and catch up with Cathy, Nikki, Liz, Fi, Justine, and Jenny, and I finally had the chance to meet Martine and Michelle and Johanna which was lovely. I hope I didn't miss anyone. I wanted to go and say hi to Louise and Cathy from Audrey and Maude but they were surrounded by customers. I also missed Jodie and Michelle who were over in the the other building when I visited... drats.
I have some photos on my mobile phone, but do you think I can actually find the usb cable to download them???
Welcome back. It is good to see you have a sewing space that is not the dining table. ;) Cherrie
Lovely to see you back! Have missed you very much indeed. Great work with the house, its looking wonderful and moving is always such a huge task. Hope you are having a lovely day!
Sophie xx
So glad you are back, moving is such a pain, hope you can relax & get creative soon :-)
PS are you coming to brown owls tomorrow?
Nice to see you back online Cam! I was at Stitches on Saturday too - sorry to have missed you! Maybe at Brown Owls?
Welcome Back!
How exciting you have a crafting space agaain :)
It was fab to finally meet you!! Good luck with all the unpacking - such a tiresome job but visions of that whole room dedicated to your craft will help you get through!!
Welcome back to the land of blog. Hey I was at the Stitches and Craft show too! We needed badges that said "I am a blogger" so that we could introduce ourselves to each other. Like a big (not so secret) family.
You do look like you have been busy :)
Welcome back! Moving to a new home must mean a lot of work. I've stayed here for 29 years already ... I don't think I could ever manage to move my stash!
Well done Cam - I'm sure the worst of it is over and hope you can enjoy setting everything up just the way you want it in your new home! Good to have you back.
fantastic, and what a quick little busy bee you've been! :)
Flick me an email with your new addy so I can post you a little something!
Glad you got to the Stiches and Craft show from under all your boxes. Good luck settling in.
Oh a crafting space - nice work indeed. I am sure the house will be a home in no time.
I heard that you had been at the Show. So sorry I didn't get to meet you - hopefully next time. Hope you are adjusting to your new home well.
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